Chapter 8 - Please

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Ava's p.o.v
He began untying my hands, making my wrists burn against the scratchy texture. He grabbed my hair viciously and ragged me out of bed. I whimpered in pain as he dragged me ruthlessly down the dark hallway.

We got to a room and he pulled me up, throwing me through the door, pushing me over again in the process. I staggered up, my knees in agony from the impact of the fall.

He gripped my arm and shoved me into a chair. Then he shoved a bright light in my face. I winced when he lifted his hand. And I actually thought for a second I saw sympathy in his eyes, but if I did, it was quickly covered by hatred and anger.

He clicked his gun and placed it to my head. I steadied my breathing when I realised, he can't kill me, I'm part of his plan.

"So.. Where does he keep it?"

"Keep what?"


"You call Harley an it?" I asked disgusted.
"And I don't know who Harley is and my Dad isn't keeping her... I don't think, not in the house anyway"

"So he has somewhere else he keeps people then?, a secret asylum perhaps?" He laughed.

"I-I don't know, he n-never mentioned anything" I lied terribly through gritted teeth. I knew exactly where Harley was and where his secret Asylum was. But he doesn't need to know that.

"I know that your lying, and my finger is getting tired. It would be such a shame if I slipped and pulled this trigger now wouldn't it?"

"Fine, but before I tell you, can you at least let me see him, one last time. Please?" I glanced up looking at him through glossy eyes. I blinked and the tears fell, but I couldn't stop them, they just kept flowing. I sobbed, my head in my hands

I looked back up and his face was inches from mine. He grabbed my cheek and pressed his lips against mine.

Taken back I just let him kiss me, my eyes wide open.

His cheeks turned crimson, and he closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Y-yes, urm I, I think we can arrange that" He stuttered, then walked across the room.

I heard another rattling noise and the projected screen was back on the wall. My dad was there again, but he only had Jason aka Robin with him.

I started crying more, seeing their faces again. How long had it been?

"Batman meet me at the bridge tonight at 11:30, or she dies"

"Da-" I began but before I could speak he ended the call.

"You said I could see him! That was my last chance! You didn't let me talk to him!" I screamed kicking about in the chair.

He slapped me hard across the face.

"You are coming with me you little shit"

"Oh, urm thank you"

He came close to me again stroking a tear from my cheek.

"Anything doll face"

Damaged ➱  A Joker/Jared Leto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now