Chapter 37 - Boomerang?

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Day after day I would go meet with Mark. I didn't exactly know what we were, but I know what I wanted us to be. I think I love him, I don't think I've ever loved anyone! So I know he is special.

He was trying to convince me to dye my ends green, to go with my white. But I refused. The colour green creeps me out! I don't know why, but its like a clown colour. And who likes clowns? Well not me anyway! They give me the creeps, especially that joker weirdo, lucky for me he's in Arkham, and I've never seen him.

I was walking to meet Mark, we were planning on watching the new ouija movie.

I didn't even realise the large man stood in my way, I bumped right into him sending me backwards.

"Hey lady watch it" Bloody tourists, he was Australian.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching"

"Damn right you weren't"

Our eyes finally met and he looked so rough, like a hobo. I felt kinda bad after saying that though, so I brushed of the though.

"Holy shit, Ava?"

"And you are?"

"Boomerang! You know task force x?"

I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, not knowing what the hell he was on about.

"No, I think you're mistaking me for another Ava" I said, and began walking away. However he had other ideas and dragged me down an alleyway. I struggled under his grip.

"What's he done to you?" He spat.


"That joker dickhead"

"I don't know who that is! I don't know who you are, just let me go!" I lied, knowing full well who joker was, just ignoring the fact that he mentioned his name.

It was dark, and the moon lit all the puddles on the floor, showing up all the tiny cracks and cobbles.

"Why don't you remember?"

"Well I was in a car accid-"

"Oh really? Is that what they told you?"

"Right I need to go, please just leave me alone!" I walked swiftly away, straight into the cinema.

I met Mark there, and he looked worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah just took a wrong turn! Still getting used to all these roads" I lied.

We sat down on the comfy seats as we watched the horror movie. I found it more funny than scary to be honest, so I was laughing along when the little girl, Dorris, got possessed by a demon. I am crazy.

When we got out we went back to Marks apartment. By this time we were hammered. We had drank five glasses of wine, three shots and some awful whiskey, I just wanted to get drunk and have fun.

I was straddled on his lap, kissing him roughly. Let's just say things got a little heated after that.


I woke up naked, next to an also naked Mark. My head was pounding and my stomach felt like it was being constantly beaten. His eyelids fluttered open too, before he turned to face me.

He shuffled towards me, cupping my face and kissing me again.

"Ava, I was wondering... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I said before kissing him once again.


Damaged ➱  A Joker/Jared Leto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now