Chapter 4

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Author's note: I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER! Exciting bit coming up soon xD Keep on reading!   Chapter 4 Portraits and Pumpkin juice

"Hello the new students as well as the old ones! We are here for another year of Hogwarts. I am asked to remind you again that the corridors are not the places for dungbombs!" The Headmisstress, Professor Mcgonnagol looked around. Not a single smile had appeared on her face. "But enough of that!" she conintued, "Let the feast begin!"

And at that moment plates if chicken legs, cups of Pumpkin juice and much more appeared on the table.

"Wow!" muttered Beau grabbing a cup of pumpkin juice. "How do they do it?"

"Houseelves actually!" said Anjali looking around rather fasinated. Then she noticed that the three of them where staring at her.

"Oh, sorry! I'm Anjali, nice to meet you!"

"Lily." said Lily simply

"You mean like Lily Potter?"

"Yep!" said Lily proudly.

"Then you must be Hugo Weasley!" said Anjali rounding of on Hugo. Hugo went bright red.

"I'm Beau Matthews" said Beau.

"Matthews like the Malfoy's cousins through Astoria Malfoy's elder sister Daphane?"

"Yeah" said Beau looking a bit embarrassed. Lily chocked on a bit if carrot.

"You never told me that!"

"You never asked! Anyway my mums considered a disgrace since she went of and married a muggle..."


"Anyway!" said Anjali eager to change the conversation,"Do you guys like Quiddich?"

"I do!" said Hugo nodding excitedly.

"Who are you parents Anjali?" asked Beau ignoring the current topic.

"Parvati who use to be a Patil and Anad Lankela from Durmstrung..."

"So your a pureblood? What does your father work as?"

"Time Turner manufacturer."

Professor Mcgonnagol stood up and cut Beau and Anjali's conversation short.

"Dessert" she announced. Everybody cheered.

Lily and Hugo grabbed as many sweets and puddings as they could get. Beau was still annoying Anjali with questions.

In the end she yelled, "SHUT UP BEAU!", causing a lot of curious glances and went to sit next to a girl with blonde hair.

"Good job Beau!" said Hugo."You went and scared off a really cute girl!"

"Excuse me!"

Then Professor Mcgonnagol stood up and every single item on the table disappeared. Everybody groaned.

"Now, Now, of to bed!" she said promptly.

Everybody started to rise from their seats.

"Gryffindor first years thus way!" yelled the Gryffindor 5th yer who had to them to go to Professor Mcgonnagol.

The first years all flocked around him looking scared. The prefect who introduced himself as Sam, led them up many staircases and started rambling on about how the stair cases moved and Portraits could talk.

"Amazing isn't it?" said the blonde who Anjali went to sit next too.

After a few minutes of walking or what seemed to Beau and Hugo like an endless way of torture, they reached a portrait in which had a very fat lady.

"This," said Sam, " Is the fat lady, she guards Gryffindor tower and will only pet you enter with the password..."

"Which is Marmalade!" Everybody turned around to see a girl with curly blonde hair and a prefect badge walk up to them.

"Right you are Daisy!" said the Fat Lady and some first years gasped. The Fat Lady literally flung open and everybody started to climb through

At the other end was the most magnificent room, the "Common Room" as Daisy said. The she showed the the way to their dormitories and went to sit next to Sam and a few other friends.

The first years started to split up around the common room and in the dormitories.

Lily, Hugo and Beau found a nice place near the fire to talk.

Lily sat on the armchair while the boys sat on the ground.

"Beau, do you have any brothers or sisters?" asked Lily.


"Because I feel sorry for them"

Hugo burst out laughing. Beau gave her the now-look-what-you've-done look as people started to stare.

"Shut up Hugo!" Lily hissed.

"I have a little sister thank you very much and the last time checked she didn't hate me." said Beau proudly once Hugo had stopped laughing.

"Beau.." said Lily who had one thing on her mind since Anjali had said it. "Are you really related to the Malfoy's?" Beau looked at her like he was trying so hard not to yellm or ignore her.

"Yeah..But not by blood, Daphane Greengrass was Draco Malfoys classmate. He married her younger sister Astoria."


"Okay everyone in the common room, you have to go to bed! Light out in 15 minutes!" yelled Sam over the large crowd of peole. A group of 4th years in which Lily recognized Fred and James groaned.

"Bye guys!" Lily said as she made stairway to the girls domtiries.

"Bye Lil!" they yelled back.

Lily made her way up the stairs with a few other first years. There was a corridor with 2 rooms dedicated to each year. Lily found her room and pushen the door.

5 four poster beds where arranged in sort of a circle. Only one other person as in the room so Lily made her way to the bed at the corner near the window.

"Hi!" Lily said to the girl. The girl looked up. She had straight brown hair and innocent Hazel eyes.

"I'm Piper." she said confidently."Piper Hart."

Just at that moment, 3 other girls entered.

"Pipes!" screamed the one with large blue eyes, She ran up to her friend and nearly flattened her with a hug.

"Woah! Calm down Jessy"

"Hey Lily!" Lily turned to see Anjali and the blonde girl.

"Hi!" said the blonde girl."I'm Sarah, muggleborn. You're Lily right?"

"Yep!" said Lily enthusdiastically.

"Hey. I'm Jessy!" said the girl with big blue eyes. Her hair was in two long plaits and she looked very excited.

"Hey guys, I want you to have these!"' said Anjali handing everybody a book title, 'Timeturners'.

"My dad wants me to "Advertise" these" Anjali explained. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Lights out girls!" said Daisy appearing at the doorway.

Wonder if the boys are enjoying up too? Thought Lily as she climbed into bed.

Let me just say that Dung bombs and dormitories don't mix, the boys learnt that the hard way

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