Chapter 3

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Author's note: I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER!!

So how's the story going?? You guys enjoying i? The REAL fun starts in a few chapters so bear with me :)

Chapter 3

Punishments and Hats

Everybody crowded around the window.

Hogwarts was amazing. Just as Harry had discribed it to Lily.
Grand and Majestic, a big lake and castle with many turrets and twoers. A big pair of doors probably leading to the one and only great hall.

A prefect poked his head threw the door.

"Where arriving in 5 minutes and you three (he pointed at Lily,Hugo and Beau) have to see Professor McGonnagol tommorow."

Lily,Hugo and Beau nodded gravely as James sniggered. When the prefect left, Lily elbowed her brother in the ribs.

We better get going..." said Al. Everyone stood up and grabbed thier trunks. They looked aroung to see if they forgot anything and realised that Beau's barn owl, Primrose, was in the other compartment.
By the time he had gotton her, nearly half the shool as already out of the train.

"I thought she got sucked through the roof!" said Beau as Lily hurried Hugo and him off towards the half giant, Hagrid.

"Firs' years 'is way!" he yelled. Lily and Hugo ran up to him and gave im a big hug.

"Lily, Hugo!"said Hagrid happily."'And who're yer?" he asked Beau.

"Beau.." Beau said uncertainly.

"Oh come on! He's perfectly safe!" said Lily.

"Ok ok, 're all ther Firs' yars here?" he asked

A lot of head nodded at once.
"Ok, get in 'ter a boat, 4 ter one only!" everybody started scrmbling, trying to either get one with there friends or no be left with Hagrid.

Lily, Beau and Hugo went with another girl because they woldn't fit if they went with Hagrid. The girl had dark hair and cold grey eyes.

"Red hair, are you a Weasley?" she asked rudley as Beau and Hudo started rowing.

"No! I'm a Potter!"

"Potter! wait, you never told me that!" said Beau sounding suprised.

"You never asked!" Lily retorted.

"Potter? Harry Potter's daughter? Yuck, you must be related to a mudblood, she's your aunt I

think..her names something like Herbine, Hermione..i think it was.

The boat stopped dead in the middle of the lake. All three of them turned towards Hugo who was now so red you could even tell in the dark.

Hugo turned around at looked at he.

"So, your going to insult my mother are you?" he asked. He started rocking to boat from side to side.
"What the heck are you doing, I can't swim!" screeched the girl. A evil little grin ceeped up on Hugo's face. Passing boat's had stopped to watch what was happening.

The boat kep to rocking. Then at one point there was a big SPLASH! The girl fell into the water.
She started to scream.

"Apologise!" said Lily who was holding on to one of her hands.

"Ok, Ok! I'm sorry!" Lily hauled her back into the boat.

"By the way, I was never going to let go of you,.." said Lily. The girl looked from Hugo to Beau to Lily.
The rest of the trip was silent.

When they had otton of the boat, Hagrid said that if Hugo did something like that again, he'd have to punish him. The girl never insulted Hugo's mum again, well atleast not in front of him.
Some kids whom she had bullied grew to like the trio very much.

Hagrid stopped at the entrance where Professor Longbottom was waiting. He smiled when he saw Hugo and Lily but frowned when he say the drenched girl.
"Hugo.." he muttered under his breath.
When everyone was inside, Professor Longbottom said, "Hello students and welcome to your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! In a moment you will either be sorted into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin! I am Professor Longbotoom, head of Gryffindor house, deputy headmaster."

The first years nodded. All of them where scared out of thier wits but they did a pretty good job not to show it.

Professor Longbottom took them into a room just outside the Great Hall. A bunch of Ghosts, yes Ghosts, floated through the walls. The muggle borns looked frightened but everybod else just smiled.
Professor Longbottom opened the doors when a women yelled, 'Let the sorting begin!"

"Get into alphabetic order!" ordered Professor Longbotoom.

After they did, all the first years started marching in. Lily saw both Al and James. She smiled at them althought she was terrified. Now she knew how they had felt.
A hat was sittin on a stool and Professor Longbottom was holding a parchment of names.
"Adamaski Emma!" a girl with brown hair walked up to the hat. It was put on her head and after a few seconds, it yelled,
"RAVENCLAW!" The table in blue cheered.

"Adams Sophie!" The mean girl withdark hair walked up to the hat.
The moment it touched her head it yelled out, "SLYTHERIN!"
The table in green chered as she went to sit next to a blonde boy.
And so it went on like that.

"Lankela Anjali!"

"Lewis Kate!"

"Maddison Ricky!"

"Mason Misty!"

"Matthews Beau!" Lily watched as Beau sat on the seat. In about 30 seconds, it yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Lily who had forgot to breathe suddenly felt the need to. She sighed as he walked over to the red table and sat next to the Indian girl, Anjali.

In a few minutes, Professor Longbottom called, 'Potter Lily!"
Lily walked timidly up to the stool. The hat was placed on her head and in barley half a second it yelled out,

The red table cheered and she made her way next to Beau.
Hugo was the second last.

"Wow!" said Lily as the hat was sorting the last girl.

"You think, wait!" said Beau.

"What?" asked Hugo.

"We've just lost 600 points!" he pointed out.
All three of them groaned.

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