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YEAR: 1976

•Michelle's POV•

"John!" I called. "I'm heading out! I'll be back soon,"
"Okay!" he yelled back.

I put on my coat and collected all of the papers Cynthia needed to sign. I stuffed the manila envelope into my purse, grabbed the car keys, and went on my way. I drove to the diner Cynthia had told me to meet her at; I must say, it was rather nice. I parked the car, grabbed my things, and headed inside. John had told me that she was a pretty blonde woman with hazel eyes.

I strolled in and I immediately saw the only woman in the entire place with blonde hair. She was sitting in a corner booth, staring out the window; she seemed like a nice lady. I walked over to the booth and started setting my things down.

"Bonjour," I said.
"Hello," she smiled. "I'm Cynthia," she greeted.
"It's very nice to finally meet you," she said.
"You too," I whispered. "John has told me a lot about you,"
"Oh god, don't listen to anything that comes out of that mans mouth,"
"He said you were very nice,"
"He's a very wise man," she giggled. "So how are you?"
"Tres bien, merci,"
"Yeah, I don't know what that means,"
"It's a shame you guys got divorced," I teased. "I said, very well, thank you,"
"Oh," she laughed. "I'm not bad, myself. How's life with John?"
"It's good,"
"You sound surprised,"
"Well, I am," she shrugged. "John was never around when we were married. He was always off at the studio, or on tour, or sleeping around,"
"He's a classy man, isn't he?" I said.
"He's a whore,"
"He's such a whore," I laughed.
"Oh, by the way, I ordered a while ago. Hope you don't mind,"
"What'd you get?"
"Salad," she said. "Is that okay?"
"It's perfect," I smiled.
"So, how's Julian?"
"Oh, he's so sweet,"
"Really?" she beamed.
"Yes, I love him so much,"
"Good, I'm glad,"
"Do you ever regret it?"
"Regret what?"
"Giving Julian up..."
"Well, yes, sometimes but, that's just how the normal human reacts when they give something up,"
"Would you ever want him back?"
"No," she said. "In all honestly, I never really wanted kids. I don't know if John told you but, Julian was an accident; neither of us really wanted him,"
"I know you're still rather young but, did you ever want kids?"
"I've never given it much thought... Growing up, I was kinda thrown into the family business and I never really gave a thought to my future... When I was younger, I kinda just assumed that I'd stay in the...business, until I died. Little did I know that I'd run away at twenty-three, and marry John Lennon," I laughed. "Wow, didn't think I'd be sharing my life story,"
"No, no, it's fine," she insisted. "So how's the other one. Sean, is it?"
  "Yes, and he's well. He's learning how to talk and walk and all that. He's such a sweetheart,"
"Wonder where he gets it from,"
"I'm sorry?"
"Well, John isn't exactly the nicest person and Yoko well... I can't really describe Yoko..."
"Was she rude?"
"To me, yes," she said. "Then again, why would your husbands mistress treat me with respect," she shrugged. "I'm sorry, I'm still rather bitter about the divorce,"
"I understand. I, um, I was wondering if you could do something for me,"
"What is it?"
"I was wondering if you could sign these for me," I said, handing her the folder.
"What are they?"
"Adoption papers,"
"I'm not following,"
"I'd like to adopt Julian," I said.
"Oh... Okay," she said. "Do you have a pen?"


"John!" I called. "I'm home!"
"Hey," he smiled, kissing my cheek. "How was lunch?"
"It was good," I said. "Julian is officially mine," I beamed.
"That's wonderful!" he said, hugging me. "When are you gonna tell him?" he asked.
"Should I do it now?"
"Do what now?" Julian asked, joining us in the living room.
"Oh, um... Michelle has some news..."
"Good or bad?"
"Good... Very, very good," I said.
"Okay, then what is it?"
"I talked to your mum, and-"
"You what! Why would you do that?"
"Because I needed to talk to her about something. Let me finish,"
"No! How could you track her down! What if she finds where we live and tried to take me back!"
"Julian," I chuckled. "I wanted to talk to her so I could adopt you,"
"You what..."
"Jules, I'm now legally your mum,"
"Oh my god," he whispered.
"Are you not happy?" Tears started dripping down his face as he hugged me; I cracked a smile and hugged him back.
"I'm extremely happy," he choked out. "So, what do I call you now? Mum?"
"Yeah, I guess..."
"You're my mum," he sobbed, still hugging me.
"That's right bub," I rubbed his back. "I am."

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