Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to book 2! If you haven't read book 1 go read that now =)

Also as of right now 😂 (6/3/21) I changed Jacks age, he's supposed to be 20 in this book (and in the last book the same age as Wesley: 17) I will work on making the changes to each chapter soon. Currently re-reading so I can finally finish this book 👍

Chapter 1 - Jack

I heard a buzzing sound next to me but it took me second to realize what it was. As soon as it clicked I dived across the room for the cell phone Max had given me last night. I clicked on the green phone icon and held it up to my ear but didn't get a chance to say anything as I heard his voice boom over the speaker making me jump.

"I texted you and told you to be here at 5, where are you?"

Judging by his voice he seemed frustrated and annoyed, probably another day he wasn't able to kill anything on the hunt.

"I'm sorry, I'm still trying to figure out how to use the phone," I trailed off carefully, I didn't want to accidentally set him off again.

"It's fine, just come here now, I left the front door open so just come up to my room, I told Syrin to leave you alone."

"Ok, I'm coming right now," I said and waited before I heard the click of him hanging up before putting the phone in my pocket and ran towards the opening of the cave I shared with all the other omegas in the Sol Pack.

Max was a hunter in the pack and for some reason he had taken a liking to me. We had been dating for a few months now but nothing has gotten too serious. I wasn't in love with him but he wasn't bad looking and being associated with a hunter meant a lot more protection for me.

Growing up as an omega wasn't the best life, the other wolves treated you as a slave, food was what we could kill ourselves or what was left over from the hunt after all the others had eaten, and when the winter came we were stuck in a cave and forced to huddle together for warmth while the others lived it up in houses with electric heating.

But now I was dating Max. The other wolves stopped treating me like a sex doll, I got to sleep with him on the cold nights and he fed me sometimes so I haven't been starving in a while. He even bought me things, clothes he thought would look good on me, a watch, and now this cell phone. I was beginning to feel spoiled.

I ran across the outskirts of the main settlement until I got close to his house. He lived with his brother Syrin, the creepiest guy I had ever seen in my life. Just looking at him gave me the shivers, and not in a good way. His eyes seemed to follow you around the room, his hair was always so greasy it stuck to his head and he always seemed to be cleaning a gun or skinning an animal when I was around. He wasn't a hunter, he wasn't strong enough, but apparently he had a job in town at a garage which meant he was a gatherer.

In a wolf pack hierarchy was important. Elders were at the top of the chain, but honestly everyone knew the Alpha had final say. The Beta was next in line and then the gatherers, wolves that weren't strong enough to necessarily protect or hunt but they would be allowed to go to school and get a job in the human world so they could contribute to the pack with an income every month. Then there was an omega, me. Omegas were wolves that were either too weak to fend for themselves, some had handicaps, or wolves that had somehow pissed off the alpha or beta and were demoted. Most wolves in that situation usually end up going rouge though, it's hard to live the life of an omega if you weren't raised in it.

I opened the door to the house quietly and tried not to scrunch my nose up at Syrin, who, I guessed it, was sitting at the kitchen table skinning a rabbit, blood dripping onto the floor below him. He looked up at me and I nodded as a sign of respect and looked down, I could feel his eyes on me all the way to the stairs. I hopped the steps two by two and walked down the short hallway towards Max's room. The door was partially open and I could hear moaning sounds coming from some sort of electronic device.

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