Chapter 10 - Hunter

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Chapter 10 – Hunter

I started driving north towards my old house in the hills. Clive's territory by the docks was new. He had bought the real estate barley 70 years ago before dumping money on construction of his enormous house and large medical and research facilities.

While my old place wasn't as big as Clive's it was just what we needed right now. I texted Edward the address right before I dialed Liz's number.

"Hunter?" She sounded off, I didn't like it.

"Liz, they have Jack, I need your help," I said keeping my eyes on the road.

I heard a scuffling and voice that answered wasn't Liz but another older sounding woman.

"Hunter is it? You should know better vampire. Witches do not get involved in another species business unless the goddess has asked it to be so. You are forbidden to contact my daughter again."

Enough of this, I had to cut her off. These witches had no idea what was going on or the ramifications of the situation. I wanted to keep my tone non-threatening but that's just not how I do things.

"Listen here witch, my mate was taken by an evil group of witches working with Clive. I just killed Clive's prize pureblood vamp for his part in all of this and I'm about to launch a full out war against Clive and anyone else who is against Jack and I being together. So, which side are you on?"

There was silence for a minute before I could here the phone being passed off again.

It was Liz.

"What did you say to her? She looked angry, then a little shocked before she stormed out of the room."

She sounded worried but this was wasting time. I needed the witches on my side, and I needed them to go help Jack. I wanted to turn around and track Jack down now, but I knew better. I had to do this strategically. They wouldn't kill him right now and I needed to build up my support. The more help I had in my efforts against Clive the more I could keep Jack safe when we were together again.

I didn't beat around the bush.

"Kent said dark witches came in and took Jack. I don't know where he is and I'm not confident enough that I could take on a witch on my own. I'm assembling my allies right now but I need you guys to help me get him back."

Somehow my threatening tone turned into something akin to begging and I cleared my throat to get the sad sound out of my voice.

"We'll help," she said it so confidently, but I couldn't be sure.

"Liz..." she heard the hesitation in my voice.

"I'm serious Hunter. I understand the look in my mom's face now. If other witches are involved she will want to help and so will everyone else. The one thing my mom can't stand is witches interfering with the natural order of things, and even worse, dark witches who use the dark arts to do exactly that."

I took a breath and managed to relax a fraction before I spoke.

"The second you have him you call me, I'm going against all my instincts right now Liz, I need to know when he's safe."

"Trust me, I'll be in touch soon."

With that she hung up the phone and I just had to hope I was making the right decision.

* * *

Twenty minutes later I pulled up to a large 1920's manor style home. There were cars everywhere and people carrying things inside. I parked on the side and got out looking for my second in command.

It didn't take long, I turned around to see him coming out of the house headed straight for me.

"Hunter Sir, I've done what you asked, everyone who has pledged allegiance to you over Clive has assembled here, a few more are still arriving," he bowed slightly as I patted him on the shoulder.

"Good work, how many have come?"

If we were going to have any hope of taking on Clive we needed the majority, Clive had already proven to have a lot of outside connections and that he didn't shy away from shady tactics.

"We have about 375 vampires, ¾ of the population of the Clan. James has also joined us," I didn't miss the slight smile when he said that.

I wasn't surprised James decided to join us. His son, Nick, had gone through hell trying to hold on to his werewolf mate because of Clive. I knew he also had a sticky past before his son as well. James had been in love with another pureblood from different clan and had asked Clive for permission to marry her. He didn't find out until later that she was in love with another man and Clive had killed him so she would be forced to marry James and join his Clan. I doubt James would ever forgive Clive for fucking up his family so horribly.

"Where is he?" I asked Edward.

"Inside, helping people set up sleeping bags in the ballroom," he said.

"Thanks Eddy," I joked as I started walking towards the house. I could hear him scoff at the nickname as I left.

* * *

I walked inside the house and there was an uneasiness in the air that felt like déjà vu. It had been about a hundred years since I had been involved in full out war but it was like my mind was slowly settling into this new reality with ease. In the beginning war was all I knew. I was soldier for over 200 years of my life. Fighting and death was all I knew, but it was also something I was good at. I had lived through every military strike and strategy out there. While the constant fear and anxiety over Jack was very present in my mind the oncoming war wasn't something I was worried about. Clive should have seen this coming, he wasn't getting out of this one.

I spotted James just where Edward said he would be. The ballroom was massive, still in pristine condition from when I used to throw parties in here during the 1920's. Except now instead of wine and pretty women in cocktail dresses, there were about 100 vampires setting up camp and polishing their weapons.

"So, you finally grew some balls and decided to jump ship?" I asked and he turned around a little startled. He dropped what he was holding and gave me a quick hug.

"About time don't you think?" he laughed.

"You're right, well, I guess I should at least say thanks for making the pureblood numbers even," I chuckled back at him.

"Even?" He seemed to think for a second and then looked back at me and asked "Kent?"

"Yeah, the bastard had it coming," I said with a little more menace than I had intended.

James didn't say anything to that but I could tell he wanted to ask me something and I had a feeling I knew what it was. I waited for him to ask but after a couple more seconds of awkward silence I couldn't take it anymore.

"Nick is fine, last he was spotted in the Canadian Rockies, seems like they are keeping a pretty straight course North, Clive doesn't know anything."

The man looked so emotional I was uncomfortable.

"Thanks Hunter, for everything. Anything you need I'm here, yeah?" He smiled even though it looked strained before he got back to work.

I left again to go find Edward. We needed to get this show on the road.

I walked back outside to see the last of the cars rolling up and unloading.


He came running up and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Gather our best fighters, we're not giving them any time to prepare. We attack the research lab facility in an hour."

"Yes sir!" he all but screamed at me. Eddy seemed just as excited I was to finally take down our shit-stain of a leader. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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