There is this man that cares too much about the people he loves
But does not seems the same way around
There is this man that loves his loneliness
But his loneliness seems to suffocate him
There is this man that wish to have a lot of money but not for him but to make other people happy
There is this man that believes he is happy
But haven't felt happy for a while now
There is this man that the only thing he is thinking about is to rest, rest for a while until nothing else matters
But he knows that he cannot rest because there this people he needs to watch and protect till they are ready.
There is this man that know that his happiness will always be behind other's and he is willing to live with that for their wellness
There is this man that knows nothing of what is going with his life right now but keeps moving on because staying still has never been an option
There is this man that always expect the best from other even when history has shown him the contrary will happen
There is this man that tries his best to always tell the truth even when everybody around him always lies.
There is this man that is crying in the inside and no one else seems to notice or care about him
There is this man that will fight till the end even when he does not have the strength to do it
There is this man that has faith enough to pray for other that continuously forgets about himself
There is this man too good enough to be real... But there is this man.