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Gene P.O.V.

As I got ready for bed that night I couldn't get (Y/N) out of my head. She'll be at my house tomorrow.....with my family.... Shit. I frowned as remembered that little detail. What would she think of my family, well she's already met my mom and my dad is always at work, but what about him? Dante, the huge flirt always using pick up lines on girls. Will he scare her away? Will she fall for his horrible pick up lines? I have to get Dante out of the house tomorrow without letting him know anything about (Y/N).

What to do, what to do. I thought as my eyes later on a pair of tickets from the Game Corner at the mall. Perfect. And I know exactly how to get him to get him out of the house tomorrow. Grabbing the ticket to the Game Corner I open my bedroom door and take a peek outside, No one. With that I quietly made my way to the front of Dante's room, checking to see if his lights were on. Dark as night. With that I carefully slid the ticket under his door and returned to my room. Hopefully he'll see the ticket and decide to go there tomorrow, thank god it's Saturday tomorrow.

As I climbed under my covers I got a sudden realization. I didn't give (Y/N) my address or phone number.... Bolting out of my bed I ran to my parents room, making sure to knock first. I heard the sound of shuffling footsteps getting closer, I took a step back. My mom opened the door, looking rather tired as she looked at me.

"Gene? What's the matter why'd you wake me up so late at night?" She asked clearly confused as to why I woke her up.

"I was wondering if you had Mrs.(L/N) phone number?" I asked.

"Of course I do, we've become good friends. I'm even teaching her how to be a 'cool' mom!" My mother giggled as she grabbed her phone from her pocket and handed me her phone. "Here sweetie, you can call her but if she doesn't answer the first time, leave her a voicemail," she leaned over to me and gave me a peck on my forehead. I swatted her away and held the phone tightly. "Good night sweetie!"

With that she went back inside her room, I on the other hand began scrolling through her contacts while trying to wipe her kiss off my head. (L/N), (L/N), where is it... Ah-ha! Found it. Walking to my room I called said contact and closed the door behind me.

"Hello? Who is this?" Said Mrs.(L/N). She sounded tired, as if she just woke up. Now I feel bad about waking her up... Oh well.

"This is Gene, (Y/N)'s dance partner for the Friday dance classes. (Y/N) and I are suppose to practice tomorrow-" I didn't get very far before I was cut off.

"Oh Gene! Yes of course, would you like to speak to (Y/N)?" She asked rather quickly.

"Oh, uh, sure," I stuttered. She told me to wait a minute as I heard her phone being put down. I sat in silence as I waited for (Y/N) to pick.

"Hello...?" I hear a tired voice reply. Shit, did I wake her up? Now I feel bad.

"Yeah, (Y/N)? It's me Gene. I just realized that you didn't ask for my address or phone number for tomorrow"

"Oh. OH. Right the address! I totally forgot about that, good thing you remembered. But I think my mom knows your address."

"So I called for no reason?" I asked clearly annoyed by the idea that I wasted my time. I let out a groan as I remember the other reason why I called. "Anyways, do you have your phone with you?"

"Uhhhh, yeah I do. Why?" She asked as heard shuffling on the other side.

"To give you my number, idiot," I snapped at her. I was getting tired by the second and I just wanted to give her my damn number. "I hope you're listening because I'm not going to repeat myself twice..." As I told her my number I heard her typing on her phone.

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