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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I let out a sigh as I quickly tried to finish my chemistry test. Why did I have to get a test on a Monday? I looked at the periodic table of element in front of me, at least the teacher allows us to write down the formulas at the back of the paper. The questions were a lot easier since the formulas were right next to me. I glanced at the clock, how much longer until- 10 MINUTES?! I panicked and quickly scribbling down answers, I mange to complete the darned test on time with only 3 minutes to spare. Everyone was either quickly talking to each other or trying to finish up the test. I scanned the room trying to find Zoe through out the crowd of students. I remember seeing her turn in her test earlier, for some reason she seemed to have gotten the hang of chemistry rather quickly despite the fact the she was horrible at math. Bingo! I spotted Zoe sitting in the corner of the room reading her book, quietly I made my way over to where she was.

"Hey, how do you think you did on the test?" I questioned.

"Pretty good? I'm not sure how I did, I couldn't remember the formulas to the any of the problems!"

"Didn't you write them on the back of your periodic table?"

"I forgot to," she wailed quietly.

I stood there for a second before I faced palmed and patted her on the back.

"You don goofed girl. RIP," I said to her.

"Hey what are you two talking about?"

Startled I nearly let out a yelp but managed to keep my mouth shut as soon as I saw who was talking. It was Jack, we also had chemistry together and two other classes but that's about it. I lightly slapped his arm as I glared at him but still managed to somehow smile at him.

"Dude, don't do that!", I whispered. "My poor fragile heart can't take that many jump scares,"

Jack rolled his eyes at me, clearly enjoying my exaggeration. Before I could I ask him how his test went the bell rang signaling the end of class for the day. I looked at the clock before getting off my chair and walking out the door, preparing myself for my fourth class of the day, P.E. I hate P.E. The teachers forcefully making us run or do a sport so we could stay fit, as if they think we don't do anything at home. Well most don't do but I do, Mondays through Thursdays I had the parent- daughter/son dance classes, along with Gene and his mom, and on Fridays I had the dance classes with him as well. Speaking of Gene... Hmmmm, what's up with him lately? He's been more clingy than usual. The mere thought of Gene clingy to me, hugging me, or even getting to close to me made my heart beat louder. It was embarrassing, he's gotten too use to hugging me, though I don't really mind.... His embraces were gentle despite his tough looking appearance. I felt calm, maybe even safe when he hugged me, what if he-

"(Y/N)?! HELLO???? I think she in lala land again," Zoe shouted at my ear derailing my train of thought.

"Owww....?" I stated with a confused tone. Did I miss something?

"You zoned out again," Jack said he stared at me. Suddenly he stops in his tracks and place the back of his hand to my cheek. "Your cheeks are hot, and your face is red,"

"Really?" I asked as I brought my hand to the other side of my face, swatting his hand away with my other hand. It was burning. Now I had no doubts that my face was also a burning red.

"Yes it is! But why is the real question here.... Hmmmmm....," Zoe thought for a while as she stared at me only embarrassing me further. I think I know why my cheeks where red... She must of caught on because a large grin spread though her face. "Were you, perhaps? Oh I don't know, thinking about Gene?!"

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