Phantom X Reader

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     You were enjoying yourself at home until your phone suddenly rang. "Hello?" You said into the phone. You heard a lot of noise in the background, causing you to pull the phone away from your ear. "Hey, (y/n)! Wanna come to a party at my place? Everyone is already here and we thought it'd be great to invite you, too," Sonic asked, happily. Suddenly, your ears perked up. "Sounds cool! I'll be right over," you said. You hung up the phone and got ready.
     After picking out the perfect, casual, party outfit, you headed outside. You strolled along, slightly whistling to a tune as you listened to music on your earbuds. You started humming until something caught your eye. A black hedgehog with gold streaks sat, bent over on a bench in the nearby park. He covered his face with his hands and his chest looked like he was slightly heaving. You knew it was none of your concern, but you were somewhat curious as to who he was because of his attire.
You cautiously approached him. "Um, are you alright?" You asked, holding out your hand, hesitating to touch him. Suddenly, he jumped a bit and looked up toward you. He wore a half faced theatre mask and his eyes were two different colors. One eye was brown and the other blue. As he looked at you his eyes were filled with sadness, though he tried hiding it. Suddenly, before any of you could say anything, you realized that this male hedgehog was apart of the villainous group, The Seven Menaces.
You shivered and backed away. "I-I'm sorry! I was just curious is all! Please, don't hurt me!" You said, holding up your hands. He sniffled twice and looked down to the ground. "There's no harm in asking someone what's wrong," he said. His voice was a soft, slightly deep, monotone voice. You begin sweating. "Well, sorry to disturb ya! See ya!" You said, wanting to get away. He opened his mouth but closed it. He realized that you've recognized him as a villain. He sighed and made his leave in the opposite direction.
You finally arrived at Sonic's as you panted from running away. Suddenly, the door opened. "Hey, (y/n), just in time! Hey, what's wrong?" He said, tilting his head. You continued to pant then stood up straight. "I ran into one of The Seven Menaces," you said. Sonic's eyes widened. He placed a hand on your back and pushed you inside. "Which one?" He asked. You shrugged but remembered something from the news. "I think he's the most powerful of them all," you said, looking up in thought. Sonic began to sweat. "I'm surprised you escaped him! If you see their face, they usually drag you back to their base," Sonic explained.
You thought about it and realized that Sonic was right! You did escape with no trouble. Thoughts raced through your mind until Sonic tapped your shoulder. "C'mon lets go have fun," he said with a wink. You both made your way into the party to enjoy yourselves, but now you had the male hedgehog on your mind. You didn't even know his name, but you knew some things about him from the news.
- - - - -
It's been four weeks since you saw the hedgehog with gold stripes and you felt relieved knowing that there weren't any villains around. Or so you thought. As you walked to your favorite relaxing place, you heard fast paced footsteps and screaming. You stopped and tried to pin point where the sounds were coming from. You gulped, hoping nothing was wrong.
Suddenly, a middle aged, red echidna with small black streaks frantically ran passed you, nearly knocking you over. "Hey watch it!" You snapped. Suddenly, another voice also yelled over to the man. "STOP! You're not getting away this time! It is my goal to DESTROY you!" It shouted with a booming voice. Suddenly a black blur ran passed you and hits the man hard. The echidna slammed into a wall and flinched in pain. Standing in front of him was the male hedgehog you had seen four weeks ago. He breathed heavily and he looked extremely angry.
The echidna squirmed to his feet and stuck his hand into his pocket. The hedgehog suddenly lunged for him, only to be sprayed in the eyes by the echidna, which used pepper spray as a defense. "Argh!" He exclaimed in pain. Suddenly, the echidna ran away as fast as he could. After about two minutes, the hedgehog's eyes cleared though they still burned and had tears in them. He noticed the echidna was gone and slammed a fist to the ground. He kept pounding at it as he teared more.
      You stared in awe, wondering what had just happened. You approached the hedgehog calmly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "A-are you o-ok? What was g-going on there?" You asked nervously, handing him a tissue. You then braced yourself for a beat down. He didn't look at you but took the tissue. He wiped his eyes and sighed. "Thank you," he said softly. Thank you?! You thought to yourself. "U-uh, you're welcome," you responded. Suddenly, he stood to his feet and inhaled deeply, trying to hold back more tears. You stood up as well and looked at him, hoping for an answer.
     He noticed your curious stare fixed upon him and started walking off. You stuck out your lip and chased after him. He made his way into an empty alleyway and stopped. "Hey I asked you a question. What was going on?" You asked him again. He sighed and turned to you. "I led you here so no one would hear. That man, he...killed my father.  I was only four years old at the time...and that man killed him right in front of me during his performance on stage. I vowed to take him down one avenge my father," he explained. He tightly clenched his fists as he thought about it.
     "T-that's terrible!" You said as small tears filled your eyes. You felt extremely sad for the hedgehog even though he was a villain. You took a few steps closer and touched his shoulder. He didn't move nor look at you. instincts soon kicked in and you pulled him into a comforting hug. He gasped as he received your warm embrace and he tried squirming away, but then relaxed, realizing that you were trying to comfort him. Realizing you were the only one who seemed to really care. More tears escaped his eyes, streaming down his muzzle as he bit his lip. "Let it out," you whispered to him.
A few seconds passed then he finally hugged back. He broke into tears, sobbing into your shoulder. You hugged him tighter and rubbed his back, underneath his cape. "Why a-are you doing this? I-I'm a villain after all," he sobbed. You smiled while hearing this. "Because I like to help others. No matter who someone is, I'm always here to listen," you said softly. His eyes shut tight and his heart warmed from your words.
After another five to ten minutes, he calmed down and pulled back. "Thank you miss," he said softly as he looked into your eyes. You nodded. "Call me (y/n)," you said with a smile. "Phantom. Phantom the Hedgehog," he said with a slight smile. Suddenly, a sound of static sounded from a hidden transceiver on Phantom. "Phantom, come back to the base. We are about to hold a meeting," a voice said over the radio. Phantom sighed and looked at you. "Go on. I won't call the police," you said. He nodded then Chaos Controlled away.
- - - - -
About two years pass and you have been best friends with Phantom, though he was a villain. One day, he asked to meet you at the classical theatre. You made your way there and entered. It was quiet and empty but you headed into the main seating area. As you waited for Phantom, in the front row of the seats, the lights suddenly dimmed. The stage lights then turned on, revealing Phantom.
      He bows and didn't look at you but rather pretended that there was an audience in front of him. You looked at him curiously and shifted in your chair. Suddenly he spoke. "A single seed. One planted within ones soul, making them grow into who they will be one day. Nurtured with upmost care...upmost love. When cared for, a seed becomes a bud. One so beautiful. One so far from reaching out. Just as water and soil nurtures a flower, so does love and understanding nurture the soul. A bud blooms. The pedals reach so far. A woman. A woman is like a flower and when one is as such a flower,  their beauty increases. I have picked a lovely flower such as this. Embraced by their nurturing nectar of love. Will the nectar run out? Or will it continue to sweeten? I long for this rich nectar. Longing for the highest peak of sweetness. Will I receive it? Will she give it? A friendly bond was made. May we further that bond? May we bloom together? The bond in which I seek to love," he said, bowing.
Your face reddens as it opened in awe. It sounded so beautiful yet so cryptic. Phantom suddenly took out a rose from his cape. He knelt to one knee and looked down at you. "(Y/n), may we strengthen that bond? Will you be my lovely flower?" He asked sweetly. You became speechless. "Does that mean you l-love me?" You asked. Phantom nodded with a smile. Suddenly, he disappeared and reappeared in front of you and extended his hand. You took his hand and he pulled you to your feet. As you faced him, your heart thumped faster.
"But...didn't you tell me that you didn't want anyone getting close to you?" You asked. Phantom sighed with a smile and came closer. He caressed your cheek and stared into your eyes. "Yes...but I trust you, and I really longed for you. You're everything to me. You understand me and make me feel complete," he answered. Your cheeks suddenly turned bright red. You had feelings for him, too. It was time to finally tell him. "I love you, too, Phantom," you said. He smiled sweetly and gently pulled you in, with his hands around your waist. You started into his different colored eyes as he pulled you closer. He then gently caressed your cheek and lifted your chin.
Phantom leaned in, closing his eyes. He was careful not to hit you with his mask. His soft lips suddenly locked with yours. Your cheeks glowed a fiery red. You kissed back, letting Phantom get more comfortable. He wrapped his arm around you tightly and comfortably. He deepened the kiss and blushed a dark red. Eventually you two pulled away, panting a bit. He rested his forehead on yours and smiled. "I'm glad you came into my life," he said softly and sincerely. You nodded in agreement and buried your face into his chest fur.
From then on, you and Phantom lived happily together. Phantom even focused on you far more than his missions and heists. Throughout your years together, you even helped catch his father's murderer. Phantom was very pleased and felt that life was now complete...especially now that he was with you.

*hope I did good. I was very tired writing this lol*

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