Split X Alena

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Ok this is for alena554! I hope you enjoy! I hope you don't mind me using my made up school and OC for the bullies and Originally Split would be different in school but I'm gonna make him act the way he does now. Sorry if this is very long or a little rushed. Not used to writing high school love one shots ^^ I tried my best with the fluff. Also, sorry I took so long to write this.

     It was another spring day where the flowers started to bloom and the days started to grow longer. Everything seemed perfect! That is, except for the big bullies who made everyone feel like dirt at the Gothmeir High School, ruining the good feeling that Spring brought. The worst bully at this school was none other than Mayhem the Hedgehog, an anti version of a more kind and shy girl. She always had her targets and one of them was named Alena. Alena usually put up with Mayhem, but things were getting worse over time.
     It was now Gym time, one day, and the teacher had everyone choose between soccer or badminton. Alena sighed since most of her friends weren't in the same class so not many people paid any mind to her even when she asked if anyone wanted to play badminton. There was one student, however, that didn't mind her being around at all. He actually liked her company, especially since he was outcasted from the class too. Split the Hedgehog was one of her friends who had a double personality. Lots of the time he was rude to people, but only because they deserved it. He was particularly nice to Alena and a select few.
Split bounced the soccer ball off his kneecaps as he played by himself on the other side of the gym. "Maybe he'll let me join," Alena said quietly to herself. After putting down her racket, she made her way over to Split. "Hey! Can I join you?" She said with a small wave. The red and black hedgehog faced her, looking at her with his one blue and one brown eye. "Sure. I'd like it if at least one person played," he said. A slight smirk then formed upon his lips. "I'll surely win our little match though," he challenged. Alena smirked back. "We'll see about that!" They got in position and started to play.
"Look at those losers! They're playing by themselves!" A boy chuckled. More of the students focused their attention on the two and started laughing. "Yo! To play soccer, you need more then two people, idiots!" The students laughed but one of the boys suddenly got the wind knocked out of them. The soccer ball rested on his stomach while he laid sprawled out on the floor in complete shock. Split walked over, picking it up. "Leave us alone. You can make fun of me but NOT Alena!" Split growled then made his way to the other side of the Gym to continue his game. "She's just as much of a loser as you! Freaks should stick together so I guess it makes sense you're playing all by yourselves!" Mayhem laughed.
Alena's ears flattened against her head. She was sick of being made fun of and being called different and a freak. She looked down at herself to observe but Split lifted her chin so she would look into his eyes. "Don't listen to them. You're perfectly fine. Me on the other hand...well, I can understand why they'd call me a freak," he said then cracked a small smile. He patted her shoulder then walked back over to his position. "Let's just focus on having fun," he said with a smile. She nodded in agreement with a small smile but the comments still hurt. As they continued their game, Alena couldn't help but have those comments repeating in her head until Gym ended. When class did end, everyone changed and made their way home. Unfortunately though, the bullying didn't stop there. A boy named Francis followed Split home with his pals while Mayhem tailed behind Alena with her boyfriend Scourge and their friends. The two felt even worse now but all they could do for now was ignore them the best they could, as usual.
The next day, things were as they usually were. Teachers gave out boring notes and dreaded worksheets and homework, kids snickered behind others backs and gossiped, the school day drag on and everyone couldn't wait for lunch period. For Alena though, this day was dreadful. It was Mayhem's birthday, so every time the bell rang and the periods switched, she would pick on anyone she wanted whenever she got the chance while in the halls. She took advantage of this and targeted Alena and Split the most, which didn't share many classes, so they didn't have each other to help out one another in this situation.
Alena cautiously moved through the halls now since she expected to see bullies at every turn. She soon stopped midway on her way to lunch. 'Come on, be brave! You are any other time,' she thought. A smile formed upon her lips, realizing she really should be brave. Suddenly Scourge appeared then Mayhem joined him. "Well, well, we meet again!" Mayhem laughed. She knew Alena tried avoiding her on the way to lunch. "Where ya goin'? Making your way to lunch, only to be stuck at a table alone with the other losers?" Scourge laughed with a pointed toothy grin. His group of friends snickered and laughed from behind. "Oh no! Even the losers wouldn't sit with someone as freakishly different as her!" Mayhem laughed while correcting him.
Alena's expression dropped but she then put on her game face. "I don't need anyone else but my friend-" "Oh, you mean, Split?" Mayhem interrupted. "Pfft! He only sits with you because he feels sorry for you. He may be a freak too but at least he's smart enough to admit that even you are too different for even him!" She said. A small tape recorder was held up and Split's voice spoke from the speaker. Mayhem seemed to have been correct since everything on the tape being said were negative feelings toward Alena. Little did she know it was just an expertly edited tape.  This left Alena heartbroken so she fled from the hallway and made her way outside toward the outside eating area.
Mayhem and her group laughed and continued on their way to lunch. They had a good list of people they'd be messing with. Split saw them come in and rolled his eyes and continued to look at the cafeteria doors, hoping to see Alena come in. Another five minutes passed but she still didn't show. "Where is she?" He asked himself. He soon got up, and searched around the cafeteria in case he missed her. When he went to the garbage can to throw his stuff away, he could see Alena outside from the window.
     He smiled and made his way out to the outdoor eating area. "Yo, Alena! There you are!" He said as he swaggered over to her a bit. Alena looked up at him and she still felt hurt so she turned away, holding back tears. "Something wrong?" Split asked, tilting his head. He made his way over and sat next to her under the tree she sat up against. "You know what you said! You don't really like me! You just feel sorry for me.... That's the only reason why you are "friends" with me..." she said as her ears lowered.
     The black and red Hedgehog was dead quiet. What she said left him utterly confused! "What? Where did that come from? I never said that! I wouldn't dare lie about being someone's friend," he said. Alena wiped her tears and hugged her legs close to her chest and sighed. "You didn't have to. Mayhem had a recording of what you said..." she said quietly. That's when it hit him! Split sighed deeply. "That's why it sounded very convincing. The fox named Miles, the guy in her group, probably made an expertly edited tap. How do I know? They did the same thing to me when they said that my dad secretly loved me as his son. I was so happy! Until....I found out they tricked me with an edited tape...." he said, his voice softening. He hated that memory but he felt comfortable telling her about it since he had told her about his terrible past before.
Her ears lifted as she looked up at him. "Really? They did that to you?" She asked. He nodded and the expression on his face showed he was telling the truth. "I wouldn't ever say that about you, Alena. You and the other six guys are my only friends... Besides them, you gave me a chance despite how different I am. Why would I not like such a nice and caring person? Someone I've fallen-," suddenly he cupped his mouth. He had gotten too drawn in and was about to reveal a big secret. Alena tilted her head. "What?" She asked. Her stare was intent as she stared curiously at him. There was no hiding it now.
"N-nothing...I-! Um..." Split's face turned red but he covered it up by acting chill. "Heh, It can wait. Hey! Are ya....are ya planning on going to prom next week?" He asked with a chill smile. Alena shrugged. "I don't know. There's no one who'd wanna go there with me," she replied. She blushed a bit and sighed, wishing she had a date. She'd always liked Split but never thought he'd like her more than a friend. "Hm...How bout we loners go together?" He asked. A smile beamed across Alena's face. "I would love to! Can you pick me up at 7pm on that night?" She said. Split nodded and pulled her into a side hug. "You can count on me!" He answered.
. . . .
     It was prom night and Split had just arrived at the location where prom was taking place. He stepped out and opened the passager side door open for Alena and took her hand to help her out of the van. Split had never acted so gentlemanly before though he did get a few pointers from his friend, Gwendal. He walked with her inside, their arms locked together as everyone else did as they entered. He wore a black and white, half and half, suit and Alena wore a blue dress with black heels for the occasion.
When they walked in, crowds of people chatted and snacked a bit since it was early and the DJ didn't start the music yet. The DJ was actually a student named Hipster. Since he knew Split, they worked out some songs that they'd play later on. Of course Mayhem was there too, determined to be prom queen with Scourge as the king.
"Looks like the freaks showed up!" She laughed. "Thanks! We've learned to embrace our differences thanks to you!" Split said with a smile then walked off with his date. Mayhem was speechless! Scourge chuckled a bit, but ended up getting slapped. Alena giggled softly and looked at Split. "Yeah! You're right actually! You helped me learn over the past few days that I should embrace my differences. Thanks!" She said. Split flashed her a smile and stopped walking. "You helped me learn that too y'know. Now, how bout we start dancing?" He said with a grin. Without a second thought, when the music came on, the two danced the night away.
An hour had passed and finally Hipster switched the music from upbeat to slow and steady. Couples joined together and started dancing. Alena blushed and smiled a bit. "Thanks for dancing with me, Split," she said. She was about to make her way over to a seat but Split gently grabbed her shoulder. "Wait! ...May I...have this dance?" He said. Alena was surprised but she felt very happy that he asked. She took his hand and nodded with a blush. "Yes. You may," she said. With that, Split took her back onto the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips and she placed her hands on his shoulder. They were friends so there wasn't any reason to get closer...right?
Their steps were smooth and honestly they were the best dancers in the whole crowd. "Hey, can I tell ya something?" The black and red hedgehog asked. Alena nodded as she looked up at him with her sea blue eyes. "Remember last week when I was about to say something...but I stopped and said it was nothing really? Well...I was wrong. I wanted to tell you what I was about to say at a better place and time and I thought...now would be it," he said. Alena stayed quiet, letting him speak, not wanting to interrupt. Her tail swayed slowly behind her as she listened.
"I was saying last week...why would I not like such a nice and caring person? Someone I've...fallen for..." he said softly. His cheeks started to heat and so did Alena's. "I've liked you for a long while now. Heh, ever since elementary school actually... I just thought I'd tell ya now that... I love you," he said. Now he was a bit redder in the face as he looked away a bit. The green and yellow hedgecat's ears perked up. After taking it all in and being utterly speechless, she mustered up the courage to confess as well. "I love you too, Split!" She said with a soft smile. Split was even surprised to hear that! He lightly chuckled a bit and kissed her nose. "I'm glad to hear that."
     They pulled each other closer and now Split had his arms wrapped around her and she had her arms wrapped around Split's neck. They danced through the slow songs, all of which Split had suggested that Hipster play. Finally, at the end of the night, the principal stepped in front of the audience. "We have received the votes throughout prom to select our prom king and queen!" She said. Everyone looked in anticipation and Mayhem smirked, thinking it was definitely her and Scourge since she always forced the students to vote for them.
     "This year's prom queen and king are...Alena the Hedgecat and Split the Hedgehog!" The principal announced. This was a huge surprise to them as they made their way onto the stage. Students cheered and clapped for them but quieted down when the principal held her hand up. She walked over to the two and placed the crowns upon their heads and gave Alena a bouquet of flowers. Students once again cheered and clapped aloud. "This is so great! I never thought this would've  happen!" Alena said. Split then took her chin and had her face him. "And I never thought this night would've been as great as it was but it just keeps getting better. Want to my queen?" He said with a wink. Alena let out a soft giggle as she nodded and blushed. "I would love to be yours! I love you!" She replied. "Love you too Sweetheart!" Split said before pressing his lips against hers, sealing their night with a kiss!

(Hope you liked it! It was fun to write)

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