Chapter 1

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I sat up in bed, thinking to myself on how long it has been now... 1 day or 3 weeks... Maybe even longer... Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. I live in a town called Magnolia in the kingdom of Fiore. I'm also a member of the amazing guild called Fairy tail! Or at least I was... I know what your thinking, 'Why did she quit?' Well let's take you back to that day...


I yawned as I sat up in bed. Getting out of bed I tripped over a small blue cat. "Ouch! What the hell?" I said while my face was on floor. I looked over to happy where I noticed he was sleeping. Why is he here? If he's here, is Natsu also here? I looked around, but I saw no pink hair and I heard nothing. I let it go. I got up slowly and went to my bathroom to take a bath.

Sometime had pasted and I got out of the bath and got dress to go to the guild. I needed money, hopefully, Natsu will come along on a job with me. Come to think of it, he's been around Lisanna way to much. I mean, I'm not jealous or anything, SO DONT THINK THAT!! Well anyways, I have a bad feeling about it.

After putting on my blue crop top, blues sleeves, my blue skirt, black boots and my keys on my side, I head out to the guild for a new adventure!

               *Time Skip 30 minutes*

I reach the big guild doors. I opened them to everyone throwing tables again. Oh lord, I swear things never change. I giggled a little. As I walked in, I saw Natsu sitting and eating with Happy. I didn't go over and instead I walked over to the request board and looked for a job. Sadly, none of them perked my interest. After looking, I started to head over to Natsu to see if he wanted to go. On my way over, the guild doors opened with a girl screaming as she ran through them. That girl was Lisanna. She had looked like someone attacked her! She had cuts up and down her whole body and she was bleeding badly!

"Lisanna!!" Mirajane screamed "What happen to you?!?"

She yelled as she ran to her younger sister. Every member of Fairy Tail had their eyes locked on Lisanna. "She attacked me! The house is burned to the ground, she hit me and tried to kill me!" Lisanna screamed.

"Who tried to kill you?!" Yelled Natsu from behind me.

"SHE DID!!" Lisanna yelled as she pointed at me.

"What?!" I said shockingly.

"Luce... Is that true?"

I turned to Natsu and his voice was faint and weak. 'How could you!?' 'Why did you, Lucy?!' 'How could our Lucy do this?!' I heard the whole guild in up roar. "SHUT UP!" I yelled. "I NEVER HURT LISANNA SHES A CLOSE FRIEND I WOULDNT NEED TO AND I WOULD NEVER!" I screamed. "QUIET!" Everyone turned to hear who it was. It was our Master Makarov. "Lucy..."

"Yes, Matser?"

" are kicked out of...Fairy Tail..."

My eyes heart sank... My ears couldn't believe what they just heard...

"But before you go..."

He started

"One: You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.

Two: You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.

Three: Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignficant , and you must never forget about your friends who loved you..."

"But I..."

Suddenly, Mira came up to me and took my hand. She took away my guild mark... I looked at the back of my hand that no longer had the guild mark and my eyes filled with tears...

"Goodbye, Lucy..." Makarov said sadly

I bowed and left the guild hall. Walking to my house, my heart was killing me. Why would they just kick me out like that? I never did anything... I suddenly thought about Natsu... I forgot to tell him... I forgot to tell him how much I love him... He hates me now, probably...

                      *Lucy's house*

I opened the door and went to my bed and fell on it. Then I sat up and locked all my windows and my door. I grabbed my keys, "Open gate of the loin, Loke..." Loke can through the gate. "Hey Lu- Hey what's wrong?" He said as he looked at me with sad eyes.

I held up my hand to show my guild mark was gone. I said nothing and he hugged me. "They kicked me out because they thought I hurt Lisanna..."

"What do you mean they thought?"

"She came in the guild today screaming, she had cuts and blood all over her body. She told everyone I did it but this morning I was here. Last night I was with Levy, so I don't know when I would have had time to do that to her."

He sighed. "Their lost honestly. I don't think you did it. You care about everyone and unless you had a reason to hurt them, then you wouldn't have. Let me know if you need anything.." He left in a flash of light.

Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" I said as I walked to the door.

"Lucy... It's Levy..."

I opened the door to find Levy had been crying. "Levy don't cry..."

"I know you didn't do it... I'm crying because everyone isn't seeing Lisannas lie!" She yelled. I hugged her. "Look, it's fine Levy. I'll be okay. We can always hang out even if I'm not in Fairy Tail anymore. I just want to be alone right now. How about we go out to eat tomorrow okay?"

"Yea okay..." She hugged me and left.


That was two days ago... Me and Levy went out for lunch then she went on a job with Gajeel. So I was left alone. I haven't left my apartment since then. I need to restock on food... I got up and left my apartment.

                     *Natsu's P.O.V*

It's been two days since Lucy was kicked out of the guild. Since then, Lisanna joined our team and I plan to ask her out today! I still feel like Lucy didn't deserve to get kicked out. Lucy looked confused and when she looked at her hand, she started to cry. I tried talking to Gramps about what happen but he told me that Lisanna was proof that Lucy hurt her. I was going to go see Lucy today but... I don't think I should...

Happy hasn't shown up yet... Him and I talked about it for a while, he said he doesn't trust Lisanna. I told him I trusted her even if Lucy didn't do it. Then I moved on. I think. He's made at me.

After looking all over for Lisanna, I found her talking to Mira. "Hey Lisanna! I have something to ask!"

She came over to me. "What's that, Natsu?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?.." I blushed.

"Yes!!" She tackled me to the ground with the guild cheering behind us.

                      *Happy's P.O.V*

He actually did it. What a shame, Natsu. You fell for her trap too. I'm going to see Lucy.

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