Chapter 7

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Now before I start this chapter, I rewrote the summary so please read that and I STOPPED PLAYING MY AOT VIDEO GAME TO WRITE THIS. YOU'RE WELCOME. Now enjoy this chapter!! <3

*Lucy's P.O.V*

I woke up in my boyfriends house. It sounded weird calling Natsu my boyfriend honestly... Maybe because he doesn't know who I really am. Anyways, I got out of bed and shook Natsu. "Natsu!" I wined, "Get out of bed!!" His eyes opened and he saw me by his face. "Oh, good morning Nahsi!" He said with excitement. I smiled at him and went to his bathroom and got brushed my hair and got dressed. After leaving the bathroom, Natsu stopped me, "Nashi," he started "let's head to he guild and announce our relationship!" He said with a huge smile. "Yea!" I replied, he grabbed my face with his hand and kissed me. 'I really need to tell him...' I thought. "Hey, later I must tell you something..."

"Sure anything!" He replied not worrying. Even though I knew he was.

Natsu held my hand as we walked to the guild. It was warm and comforting. I was smiling and blushing the whole time. "Ready?" He said, I didn't even realized we were already at the guild! "Yes." I was a little nervous... Before we walked in, he took off his scarf and wrapped it around me. "You look so cute!" He said kissing my cheek. We pushed the doors of the guild open. As they opened, some people gasped, others fainted. "Natsu!" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Mira. "Is Nashi your girlfriend?!" She questioned, I nodded and Natsu smiled. "OTP SHIPPED!" She yelled getting up on one of the tables and danced funny. "OTP?" I asked. "Oh! That's nothing, hehe" I will have to talk to her later... We started to head to an empty table when suddenly I was tackled to the ground. "You stupid bitch!" I heard the person yell at me. It was Lisanna. (Sorry not sorry I made her a bad person.  People who like Lisanna:( T_T)(^-^ ):Me)

"Lisanna?" Questioned Natsu as he pulled her off me. "What's your deal?"


"Lisanna, our relationship has nothing to do with you" Natsu said. He was being pretty mature about this.

"Yes it does! I'm the one who got Lucy kicked out because I didn't want her in the way! She ended up killing herself, which, WAS EVEN BETTER!! Now, this dumb bimbo has to come in and get in my way!"

"How is she getting in your way?" Asked Gray


"Lisanna," Natsu started, "I will never love someone who tried to kill a dear friend to me. I will NEVER love someone who is willing to kill to get love."

He grabbed me and pulled me close. "I. Love. N-"

"Natsu if I may," I interrupted him, " you know Lucy Heartfilia isn't dead." Everyone gasped, "Levy. Erza." Both of them got up from their seats and quickly went to my side.

"Are you sure about this Lucy?" Erza whispered.

"Positive. I'm going to tell them who I am." I whispered back.

I took a step forward with Natsu behind me, Erza to my left, Levy to my right and Lisanna standing in front of us with the Master behind her on the second floor. "Now I know what you might be thinking," I started, "but to be honest, Lucy never left you guys." I said. Natsu put a hand on my shoulder.

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