Chapter 6

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Oh look, chapter 6. I'm surprised you guys like this story. Honestly, I'm going to try and make this story long. So please enjoy the chapter <3

*Lucy's P.O.V*

Natsu dragged me to the guild. By the time we got back it was getting late.
"Hey Natsu" I said, "I'm going to head home. We can train more tomorrow!" He nodded and smiled at me. "See ya tomorrow, Nashi!" He hugged me and waved goodbye.

After leaving the outskirts of the guild, I headed to Erza's place at Fairy Hills. The night was cold. (Hence the name 'Cold Night) XD). I felt alone... As time pasted, I didn't notice the person walking behind me... I turned when I heard them start to laugh evilly. They had a cape on. "Who are you?"

"Haha... Only if you knew Nashi. I'm gunna be the one to kill you... Haha... Just you wait you bitch... I'll make you just like Lucy Heartfilia. Dead. I'll kill you. Sadly, I never got to kill Lucy. But her death was pretty, satisfying hahaha"

They kept laughing evilly. "Who are you?" My fist started to glow with fire.

"Oh there's no need to fight. Because your fate is sealed with death and I'll make you miserable before your death. I can't wait to have your blood on my hands! Hahaha!!!"

They suddenly disappeared and out of sight.

I ran to Fairy Hills after in countering the mystery person. As soon as I reached the door to Erza's, I started knocking on it. "Erza!"

"Coming!" I heard from inside

She opened the door and I hugged her. "Lu-Nashi is everything okay?" She asked. I pushed her in and sat her down. "Erza, someone is trying to kill me and make me miserable..."


"I'm not sure. They stopped me while I was on my way here... I'm  scared...." She hugged me.

"I won't let anyone kill you, Lucy."

"Thanks Erza..." I got up and went to bed.


I woke up, got out of bed and took a shower. Once I was done, I put on a white tank top, a blue skirt and brown boots. I left my hair down for the day. I walked into the living room and saw Erza with a big smile on her face. "Why are you happy, Erza?"

"Because Fairy Tail is hosting a talent show!! And there's a 50,000 jewel reward."

"I'm joining! I'll sing! I really need that money!!"

After hearing that I left for the guild. On my way... I saw something never wanted to see I saw Lisanna and Natsu together. They were laughing... Before I knew it... They kissed. Natsu... No...

I ran. My heart was shattered again! Damn it, Natsu!! I got to the guild and sat down at the bar. "Hey Mira."

"Oh hey Nashi!"

"I'll be joining the talent show today"

"Okay! I'll put you down! What will you be doing?"

"I'll be singing..."

"Okay!" I tried everything to get Natsu and Lisanna off my mind...

I walked outside and finally decided what I would sing... I had rage built up inside me. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!!" My flames roared with anger. Tears were streaming down my face... I couldn't stop crying!

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