Chapter 1: Exeunt on a Leopard

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In Which a Girl Named September Is Spirited Off by Means of a Leopard, Learns the Rules of Fairyland, and Solves a Puzzle

Once upon a time, a girl named September grew very tired indeed of her parents' house, where she washed the same pink-and-yellow teacups and matching gravy boats every day, slept on the same embroidered pillow, and played with the same small and amiable dog. Because she had been born in May, and because she had a mole on her left cheek, and because her feet were very large and ungainly, the Green Wind took pity on her and flew to her window one evening just after her twelfth birthday. He was dressed in a green smoking jacket, and a green carriage-driver's cloak, and a green jodhpurs, and green snowshoes. It is very cold above the clouds in the shantytowns where the Six Winds live.

'You seen an ill-tempered and irascible enough child,' said the Green Wind. 'How would you like to come away with me and ride upon the Leopard of Little Breezes and be delivered to the great sea, which boarders Fairyland? I am afraid I cannot go in, as Harsh Airs are not allowed, but I should be happy to deposit you upon the Perverse and Perilous Sea.'

'Oh, yes!' breathed September, who disapproved deeply of pink-and-yellow teacups and also of small and amiable dogs.

'Well then, come and sit by me, and do not pull too harshly on my Leopard's fur, as she bites.'

September climbed out of her kitchen window, leaving a sink full of soapy pink-and-yellow teacups with leaves still clinging to their bottoms in portentous shapes. One of them looked a bit like her farther, in his long coffee-colored trench coat, gone away over the sea with a rifle and gleaming things on his hat. One of them looked a bit like her mother, bending over a stubborn airplane engine in her work overalls, her arm muscles bulging. One of them looked a bit like a squashed cabbage. The Green Wind held out his hand, snug in a green glove, and September took both his hands and a very deep breath. One of her shoes came loose as she hoisted herself over the sill, and this will be important later, so let us take a moment to bid farewell to her prim little mary jane with its brass buckle as it clatters to the parquet floor. Goodbye, shoe! September will miss you soon.

'Now,' said the Green Wind, when September was firmly seated in the curling emerald saddle, her hands knotted in the Leopard's spotted pelt, 'there are important rules in Fairyland, rules from which I shall one day be exempt, when my papers have been processed at last and I am possessed of the golden ring of diplomatic immunity. I am afraid that if you trample upon the rules, I cannot help you. You may be tricked or executed, depending on the mood of the Marquess.'

'Is she very terrible?'

The Green Wind frowned into his brambly beard. 'All little girls are terrible,' he admitted finally, 'but the Marquess, at least, has a very fine hat.'

'Tell me the rules,' said September firmly. Her mother had taught her chess when she was quite small, and she felt like if she could remember which way knights ought to go, she could certainly remember Fairy rules.

'First, no iron of any kind is allowed. Customs is quite strict on this point. Any bullets, knives maces or jacks you might have stored on your person will be confiscated and smelted. Second, the practice of alchemy is forbidden to all except young ladies born on Tuesday-'

'I was born on a Tuesday!'

'It is certainly possible that I knew that,' the Green Wind said with a wink. 'Third, aviary locomotion is permitted only by means of Leopard of licensed Ragwort Stalk. If you find yourself not in the possession of one of these, kindly confine yourself to the ground. Fourth, all traffic travels widdershins. Fifth, rubbish takeaway occurs on second Fridays. Sixth, all changelings are required to wear identifying footwear. Seventh, and most important, you may in no fashion cross the borders of the Worsted Wood, or you will either perish or be forced to sit through a very tedious tea service with several spinster hamadrayds. These laws are sacrosanct, except for visiting dignitaries and spriggans. Do you understand?'

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