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I left everyone...I moved out of umma and Appa's house I stopped going to school. Just let me be. Let me starve,let me stay locked up forever,No one cares if they actually did they would have helped me by now. It's been 3 months since my depression started,just leave me alone,I want to be all by myself,I don't need anyone anymore I don't need decided,it's finally time to end it. I headed to the rooftop of the apartment complex,I was on the edge I looked down to see how far from the ground it was. Is this really the end? I asked then took a step, what? Someone had their arms wrapped around me,who was it? I looked up I saw no one it was an illusion, I didn't want to end my life yet I guess. I-i-I saved myself? How is that possible? Unless... "Luhan..." I whispered. "How could that be? He's gone. He left me..." 

Illusion {Exo Luhan}Where stories live. Discover now