Tearful Eyes

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A/n-when it's in italics it means its in a flashback. Okay let's get this chapter started. 


Chapter 3-Tearful eyes

When I saw a tear escape Lay's eyes I began to worry as i shook Lay harshly, him just standing there seeing my tears roll down my face. How could this happen? What can I do? I can't live without you... "Why? Why? Why?" I shouted at him before I cried into his shoulder. 

(Lay's POV)

When I noticed Ga-Eun wake up I quickly ran over to her. "Are you okay?" I asked her as I put my hands on her shoulders. She asked me many questions that I couldn't answer myself. I began worrying on what she asked me then suddenly a tear escaped my eye.

(6 hours ago)

while I was driving I saw Luhan's car. And I saw the accident. I quickly ran over to them seeing blood everywhere but none of it was Ga-Eun's it was all Luhan. "Shit!" I cursed getting Luhan than Ga-Eun out the car. I called 119 to come treat them right away if I drove right now by the time we get to the hostpital it will be too late.

"Lay-sshi." I heard Luhan heavily breathe out. 

"Luhan!" I shouted. "Don't strain yourself the ambulance is almost here." I told him but he continued.

"Take care of Jin Nabi for me if I can't make it." He breathed out.

"No Luhan your going to make it you can please you can make it!" I shouted feeling tears roll down my face.

"I'm not sure, myself." He said and chuckled. His voice was still weak and he breathed out most of the words. I began hearing the sirens. I grabbed Luhan's hand and squeezed it.

"you can make it hyung." I whispered then Luhan slightly nodded.


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