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Sometimes, I am proud too. I feel like, my family also respects me all though I did something wrong, while some people would yell at me for the little things and even the things I do right. At that point me and my mom were in the living room gossiping about my classmates and other people, when my phone rang.

Caller ID: BASTARD RAMEN (aka JAE) <3 

"Oh, Jae is calling me. I'll be right back!" I said to my mom and went to my room.

I sat on my bed and accepted the call.

"Okay, who did you take the piss on, on your new blogpost." He said while giggling a little.

Jae was my only friend that knew about my blog, mostly because I trust him. I mean even Amber doesn't know about my blog, cause she is a huge social media addict and she would totally share my blog on twitter and tell people about my identity.

"Oh...It's nothing." I said.

"Common, Who is the new neighbour?" 

"Tae..." I said silently.

"No? Really?!" He sounded really exiting.

I was quiet. I didn't know what to say, I thought that since Jae was hanging out with him so much, he will totally stop hanging out with me.

"YOU PUNCHED TAE!" He yelled.

"Kind of."

"OMG!! hdvioedoefbdb!" He yelled and started laughing.

Keep in mind that Jae is completely straight, but  in that moment, I thought "Damn, Is he sure, that he is straight!" 


"Mhm...from the lip." I said.

"OMG, It's like a KDrama, but like did he really like bleed full on, or did he just have like a little scar?"

"His blood was on my knuckles. Does that anwser your question?"

"OMG! YASSS!" He yelled.

"LOL" I said. "I gotta go now, so...see ya!"

I hung up. 

"Well, I saw Jae was excited about that punch." My mom said.

"Ne..." I said. "I'm going to my room..." 

I walked up the stairs and heard a loud ding. The sound was coming from my phone. I got a text message from a unknown number.

"Damn..." I said to myself. "I don't remember getting texts from anyone else but Jae." 

I opened the text. 

Unknown Caller ID: I hope you are proud!! My lip is fucking swolen, and I think it makes me look like I am a Kylie Jenner wnb, who got his lips done, and it just didn't work out. Tae xo

"what?" I said to myself. 

Did he just "xo" me? And how did he fucking get my number?


I don't know, but with every new chapter I feel like leaving you on a clif hanger, but it just doesn't happen lmao.

Yesterday, in my prevous A.N. I forgot to mention fucking E-X-O with their new album and MV and CL's Solo American Debut. Personaly I like the Lotto MV and I like the sound of the song (I havent listened to the album yet xc), as for CL's 'LIFTED' MV, I like the song, I see a lot of americans actually liking the song, because it's actually pretty catchy (I am convinced that as if now, I know all the lyrics to the song). But it's quite different than her other work before (In 2ne1 and like with GD). I was really hoping that 'LIFTED' would have a little bit of her old vibe in it, since I really liked Baddest Female (나쁜 기집애) and MTBD (멘붕), but I have nothing against the new song, which is great :3

TBH  I am so so so so sorry for the short a$# chapter. I will make next one longer (I swear  to god)

See you lovelys next time. 


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