One: Escape

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   I waited. Silently but my mind running with what I had in plan for my escape...

Today was Thursday, and on Thursdays I would get to go upstairs and take a shower. Thursday's was always the best day of every week. For nine years.

The sound of water dripping from the old, rusted pipe used to annoy me. I would try to cover it so it wouldn't make the continuous dropping sound.

It didn't work at first, but then when I finally got it to stay, I was frustrated even more by the sound of silence.

So I've been letting it drip, being the only source of distraction and sound for eight and a half years.

Because without it, I would've gone crazy..

You are already crazy..

I was crazy. I'm right.

Being captive for a man was crazy. Being his slave was crazy. Being his punching bag... Being his only way I'm sure for sex... That was insane.

But it was something I had been adapted to.

I hated it. Every second. 60 seconds a minute, 1440 minutes a day, 24 hours a day.. 365 days a year. I had been here a little more than nine years. That's about 3285 days total.

And it felt like it. I felt every second of it.

My thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the loud footsteps coming from what I knew was the living room, down the hall, and towards the basement door.. The door that kept me locked in this horrible, cold, and hard room.

I heard the jumbling of many locks being undone, I kept my eyes down. Not wanting him to be able to look into my eyes. My soul.

I didn't give him the satisfaction.

And I wouldn't have to after today.

'Woman! Get up. Now.' His deep voice ordered.

I weakly pulled myself from the cold, hard ground.

I kept my head and eyes down, staying in place.

Not that I had a choice.. I was always kept in handcuffs that locked me into the ground.

Footsteps came down the stairs, I heard the sound difference of one footstep hitting the cement floor of the basement. And then the next.

For 3285 days, I had felt the same shiver in my body, the same empty feeling. The same breathtaking feeling of wondering if it was my last day being alive.

Many days I had wished it was.

But today. It would be my last day. But I would make it out alive.

'Ready for your shower?' He asked..

He seemed relaxed today, and simply polite.

I nodded, I didn't have to speak but I did have to show a response.

'Good. You're going to be a good girl right?' He asked unlocking the chains from my handcuffs.

I once again nodded.

'Good. Let's go.' He said and I walked in front of him like I knew he wanted me to. I walked towards the stairs, the very soft steps of my feet padding against the floor. It was light as well.. Because I was light. Which obviously happens when your as malnourished as I am.

I was followed up the steps, and as always, I knew his eyes were trained on my ass.

My kidnapper was a tall man, he wasn't fat or skinny. More in the middle.. What's the word...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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