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Mixed Emotions.

As Bryce held the letter in his hands he couldn't believe what he was reading. This person had been watching him meaning he had seen him with Ryan. It worried him deeply and just thinking back to the small thing that happened yesterday scared him even the slightest.

He was getting mixed emotions.

Bryce knew he was starting to like Ryan yet he still had some liking to who ever was behind the paper. So he decided it would be best to wait it out and see how everything goes. He hated to be the man of bad news but he wanted to hold off and see how everything played out with Ryan and him before saying something he regretted.

Dear ¿

I really like you too but I wouldn't go as far as saying love. I mean I haven't even seen you in person of talked to you meaning I don't have much to go on. But I do have some sort of feelings for you..hopefully we can meet up one day and I can tell you face to face.

He took a deep breath as he folded the letter and shoved it in the side of his backpack. Bryce wanted Ryan but some part of him felt that the older was out of reach or he was going to be used. It pained him to even think that and believe part of it was the truth.

Bryce got out of his bed and walked to the window where he could see Jonathan walking down the street, he rushed out of his room, downstairs, and out the door. His hands grasped Jonathan's hoodie as he turned him around with a big grin that faded once he seen the glare Delirious held towards him. "What do you want Bryce?" He growled out, crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to see what you were doing Delirious. What's got into you?"

"Oh nothing," Jonathan rolled his eyes mockingly. "Besides you trying to take Ohm from me."

"What?" Bryce was confused deeply now as he stared at his friend who just held the glare on his face. "Don't play dumb." Jonathan spat, jerking his arm away from Bryce harshly. "I'm not playing anything Delirious I thought you liked you Evan.." He had no idea why he was upset with the fact that Jonathan was acting this way and playing the innocent card. He was giving in..

"Tch," Jonathan scoffed. "You and I both know I can't get with him. It doesn't matter anyways Bryce. Ohm won't date you."

Bryce's eyes widen as shock washed over him by what Jonathan had just said. "Why do you say that?" He was curious as to why Jonathan seemed so sure of his statement. "Because you're not his type." Delirious said the last word with a pop to his lips and a smirk played onto them as Bryce's face twisted. "I think ohm and I have been getting a long fine for your information."

"Well you thought wrong. Won't you leave it alone Bryce?"

"Because I always left it alone." Bryce growled back, grounding his teeth. "I'm not arguing with you."


Bryce sat in his seat with his hands in his golden locks, going over the argument that him and Jonathan had yesterday. The clock ticked and the sound bounced off the walls of the silent classroom causing him to shake his head slightly.

This was driving him mad.

Bryce stood from his seat once the bell ringed and made his way down the halls to the locker where he found a certain man standing. Ryan was leaning against the lockers and once his eyes landed on Bryce a smirk played on his lips but Bryce rolled his eyes. He shoved the note into the locker and began to walk off leaving Ryan to chase after him.

"Hey what's wrong with you?" Ryan asked, biting his bottom lip. Bryce glanced at Ryan who looked concerned causing him to chuckle light heartedly. "I don't know what you're talking about." He lied. Ryan grabbed Bryce's wrist and pulled him in the shadows.

"That's a lie..Bryce look at me," he grabbed Bryce's jaw and forced him to look right into his hazel eyes. "What's wrong?"

Bryce was hesitating to answer but he sighed and jerked his jaw from Ryan's hold. He let his hands fall to his arms as he rubbed them for warmth. "Delirious and I got into an argument yesterday.." Bryce didn't want to go into detail. "I just am upset over it..that's all." Ryan knew better and sighed deeply.

"I know it's not. Bryce talk to me."

"We got into it about you Ryan. That's all." He shrugged as if it was nothing. Ryan frowned and shoved his hands in his pockets, "So he said something about me? Bryce listen to me okay?" He stepped closer. "I am not going to play you.. Look Bryce I-"

The warning bell rang.

"I better get going." Bryce watched Ryan rub the back of his neck. "Yeah, hey Bryce take this.." Ryan took off his jacket and Bryce took it with a small smile. "Thanks.."

Bryce walked down the hallway with a slight grin on his face. He couldn't tell you exactly why what Ohm said made hi feel better but for some reason it did and honestly it made him wonder if he wanted the guy he was writing. Bryce wondered what Ohm would've said of the bell didn't cut them off like it did

Dear McQuaid,

You have no idea how much I want that..I want nothing more than to show you who I am behind the mask but I've become so afraid.. Afraid you won't be able to stand me. Bryce, I think I've fallen in love with you and I mean it. Trust me when I say you'll be suprised when you realize who I am. Love is strange my friend, love is strange..
Till next time Bryce.

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