Chapter two

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Ch@pter 2

Stop the car I thought to myself ,but I knew she wouldn't if I did say it. I gave her a concerned look and she smiled back. Butterfly's raced in my belly as I saw us pull into the airport. "Where are we going!" I exclaimed mum looked at me and said " quiet down we are going, leaving this place living in London ,without your dad!" I started to look sad but she ignored the sadness in my eyes. I knew that London would be cool, but I would miss my friends.

Mum parked the car and phoned someone, I think it was my aunt ,because my mum always laughed with her no matter what, and when she spoke a little giggle came out at each word. When she had finished on the phone we got our suitcases, my two, were heavy enough you could say there was a small child in there. Mum carried her two with no trouble I almost walked off before realising there was yet another suitcase. I put my hand in my pocket to see if I have any change. First pocket no luck, second pocket yes there was one euro and eighty seven cent. Placing my suitcases down carefully I ran to the big trollies and put the euro in. Click and chink and I was bringing the trolly to the car, but when I got back mum had it on her shoulder " Here mum I got a trolly for you!" She smiled and told me to help her put the suitcases on and then I could sit on them. So i did and my mum pushed me and the five suitcases into the airport.

The airport was big and had a lot of open space. The walls were wallpapered with very light gray flowers, so light they were almost the same colour as the white background they were in front of. After five minutes of learning the ways of the interior we had to go through the thirty minuets, of boring waiting in lines and being checked for bombs and knives or the other stuff.

Finally me and mum finished the long thirty minuets and she told me to find a food place. This was the big opitunity for me to find a place that's not to fancy and expensive or not to bland and lunchy, it was seven minutes before I found the perfect place " Subway". I knew mum liked it there and you could get a curry now . so I ran to get my mum when I realised that I couldn't see her. This for me wasn't to scary but when I realised my surroundings were in a airport I started to worry and panic. For would I ever find my mum again?


I hope you liked the other chapter and sorry this one is short bye

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