Another 1D fan fiction

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While my mother brushed my shiny hazel hair ask her why we were all packed up she only replied with a shrug. She started doing this shrug thing since her and dad hard a large argument, which I'm guessing didn't in the end go the usual. When she finished brushing my hair I got up and went into the kitchen were perfectly laid out on the table was my cereal. I slowly ate the golden crispy corn flakes as I watched my mother go up stairs. This was the time in my life when I done my thinking, first I wondered were dad had gone there ain't many places to go, so were possibly were could he be? Second was why did mother and dad have the disagreement any way it wasn't like they never saw each other more like they never saw me they worked in the same place twenty four seven basically. After all my thinking my glamourus phone rang, it was shauna, she said " What time you going school because if you want my dad can give us a lift." I said to her eight, and the time now was ten to eight so I had time to practice my DJing skills for when I got a job it would be a DJ job of any type!

7 minutes later the door bell rang, it was Shauna and Chloe(I knew she would come to Which was great) I told them one moment and I put my laptop in my bag and slipped up the gray carpeted stairs to say good bye to my mother but it was know real surprise she was asleep seens as I kissed her and tiptoed back down to my friends waiting for me. Stepping out side I saw the navy blue BMW mini and rememberd that my drives test was today, telling my friends about it and shutting the door I walked over to the car and got in

We started at the gate to be greeted by Mrs royale, who was a pale skinny lady with long white greasy hair ,which she wore in a plait which ended at her waist, and she has a long slender face which has buckets of wrinkles and her eyes are a pale blue, she is a very tempered person her gift from god was a very high pitched voice. "Where is your scarf misses" she screeched as she glared into my eyes with an very annoyed face " I was very hot so I put it in my bag!" I said so innocently that you would let me off but not her she just demanded me to put it on , so (as the mature one) I put it on.

Before any lessons we would have a five minute break so we could get to the other class, my first and most hated class was maths mostly because of the teacher he wouldn't teach us anything new just put a bunch of 1::(?)?;5)?7£!)£!(;7' on the board and every day I would see everyone smile except me and Chloe she also hated maths but a little less than me or she was less dramatic!

"Do these sums please" in a croaky voice was said by Mr Mckenzie who was an old man who was wide and also had gray hair and wrinkles. What i done in every maths class was wear a jumper and put my earphone inside it I only usually listen to the 1D songs my favourite."done!" Pleaded a boy at the back " SILENCE NO ONE WILL COME INTO MY ROOM LIKE THAT OUT SIDE NOW!" The usual day of maths.

Finally we got out of the hell room and got five minutes of peace still no heaven but better and probably safer than there. Shauna and Chloe had started to play candy crush saga when I got a message from my mum it said -I will pick you up Hun if you want anything special from the house tell me now xx- I don't know if you could see the expression on my face but I was perplexed for she had never left the house since the fight! I replied back -Can you take me at break my head hurts so does my stomach, get my crab that was made in Africa please love u mom- When the bell rang we had to go into geography which wasn't to bad except that I was split up from Shauna and Chloe, I am with peaches my other bestie and jack my best boyfriend not as in love but as in friends (I've gotta say he is hot!)

Geography past by quickly and it was now break I checked my messages -sure Hun I can pick you up at break got the Wooden crab thing meet you at the car park love ya xx- I had to go tell shauna and Chloe about going then i could leave ,but 3 minuets past and I could now see my mum who was parked in our red mini. Two minutes later I could still not see them so left in a hurry into my car which seemed to have everything from the house in two of my suit cases two of mums and one which was large and was not done up properly. We derived away from the school and also from our house where were we going.

I must have fell asleep because when we left school it was 10:05 and now it was half ten. Looking out the window I could see green signs this could mean someone messed up the paint or we were on the motorways this was the second time I had been on the motor way , the first time we were meant to go Iceskating but it was closed, I was also with my dad that time and we went to McDonalds instead. Exit now to go to a beach (The beaches were never great ever since the accident with the war all the sand had to be coverd with a layer of concrete and then with sand again.). Mum kept quite but I wanted to talk

"Were are we going?" I asked

"To Jamaica." She answered sarcastically

I smiled and then stopped and saw we had went through an exit at the junction which had a sign saying...


Another 1D fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now