Date From Hell

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I finally did it. I finally asked him the question that I should have asked him all those years ago. As I lay in bed so many thoughts race through my mind. "I wonder how he feels about me. I really like him. He's the sweetest and most funniest person I've ever met. He's beyond perfect. He's, well he's Nate and that's all I want. He's all I want. But seriously, who am I kidding. He probably only sees this as two friends hanging out. I really want to be okay with that but I just can't. But what can I do to change his mind. He's perfect and I'm There's so many more people who would be better for him. I don't even know anymore. I'll just have to see how he feels tomorrow.


I woke up with a beaming smile on my face. "Today's the day," I exclaimed. I ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower and to fix my hair. "Hmm, what should I wear," I thought." I hafta make sure I look perfect for him". I settled with ripped jeans, my blue flannel, and a white t-shirt. Casual but classy. And if Markipler does anything he does it classy. When I finished getting ready I eagerly went to my car and drove off.

Knock knock. I took a deep breath. I hope my hair looks okay. Maybe I should have dressed a little bit more fancier. Maybe he does think its a date? I really hope he doesn't look to fancy. Especially because of what I look like. As I was lost in my thoughts I heard a small creak.

He opened the door with an adorable little smile on his face. He was wearing a Pokémon Go shirt and black pants. Guess it was okay to dress casually today. "Hey Mark, ready to go?," he asked. "uh um y-yea. heh-heh lets go," I said trying to keep my cool. I just couldn't help it. He looks so fucking cute. Thank god he didn't notice me stumbling for words. We quickly got into the car and drove off. "So we're are we going?," he asked. " I just thought we could see a movie then grab a bite to eat," I answered, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. "Great sounds like fun," he said with the sweetest smile. We were driving around for about five minutes. There's was this uncomfortable silence that I wasn't sure how to break. Normally I would have talked about something that both of us like but I haven't seen him for so long. Maybe his interests have changed. I mean I highly doubt that he still likes the same things he did when we were eighteenth. As I was thinking about some conversation topics he said,"so how've ya been. It's been forever since we last talked." "Uh yea I've been pretty good. I've meet some new people and I've traveled a lot. Anyway enough about me, how about you. Last time I saw you, you were heading back to Florida for personal reasons,". He let out a small smirk. I don't know why but it felt kinda...weird. "I've been pretty good. My music channel has been doing awesome. I've made some major process," he stated. We started talking about our YouTube channels for quite a while but there was one question I really wanted to ask. "Hey I hope you don't mind me asking but why did you move? I mean you didn't really say anything. I mean I wasn't expecting you to broadcast it all around the world but you kinda just...left,". I guess it kinda made him feel uneasy but he didn't really care that much. "It was just some personal problems. I didn't really have time to tell anyone why I was leaving. I feel kinda bad about it now," he said forcing a small smile. "Eh I get it," I tried to reassure him. After a while of talking we finally got to the theater. We had to park all the way in the back because it was Tuesday and the theater is always busy on Tuesdays. "Finally!," Nate exclaimed," we were driving around for like an hour". "I know. So what do you feel like seeing," I asked. "I'm kinda in the mood for something scary," he stated. Well this sounds like the old Nate. "Pretty sure 'Don't breathe" is out. Wanna watch that?," I asked. "Sure. Sounds great," he answered. So we waited in line for a few minutes and when we got our tickets and popcorn we went into the theater. It was pretty crowded. Almost all of the seats were taken and the ones that weren't were either a little to close or way to far. Both of us just kinda stood there until a couple, hand in hand, left the theater. "Guess we lucked out,"he said. We sat down in sheer silence just waiting for the movie to start. Why do I feel so awkward around him? After what seemed like forever the movie started. I have to admit that the movie was kinda scary. It wasn't just full of cheap jump scares like Five Nights At Freddy's (I'm just kidding, I love the game, plz don't hurt me). What I thought was cute was that whenever he thought a scary part was coming up he would always move closer to me. Every time I would always blush. I'm so glad he couldn't see that. I don't want him to know how I feel. At least, not just yet. A few hours and two buckets of popcorn later we started to leave. Or at least we tried to. So many people we getting up we ended up waiting for people to climb down the stairs, and when we were able to leave the our seats we kept getting pushed into each other, not that I'm complaining. "So you hungry?," Nate asked as we got into my car. "Surprisingly yes. I know a great Chinese place close by," I said. "Well then let's go," he answered.
"Wait so you're telling me that he went on the ramp, did a flip and landed literally on his feet?," Nate said with his mouth full of chicken," No way. That is not true,". "It sounds absurd but it's true!," I said defending my story. He let out a small laugh. We stayed quiet for a few minutes. "Today was fun. I had a good time," he said. I smiled,"that's great. I did to,". He looked down at his watch," we should head home. I don't know about you but I've got a busy day tomorrow," he stated. Wiping my mouth I answered,"Sure. I've got a lot of recording to do. Waiter! Check please!,". When the waiter came we split the check and left.
It was oddly quiet when we were walking down the driveway to get to Nate place. "So this is my stop," he said with a smile. "Okay. Well I guess I'll see you later," I said. But he didn't go inside. We both just stood there staring at each other. Although he wasn't staring at me as a whole. He was staring at my lips. Don't get me wrong. I really wanted to. I've wanted to since the moment I met him but what if this ruined our friendship. I had to say something. I guess he didn't care about the whole friend thing because he quickly planted his lips on mine. Nothing had felt more right. I quickly wrapped my arms around him. He put his hands around my neck, combing his fingers through my hair. Everything was completely still. Nothing could have ruined this perfect moment. His lips on mine, him in my arms. This was the best feeling in had ever felt in my entire life. That's why I was a little confused when he pushed me away. He quickly went onto his knees, holding his head, screaming in agony. "AHHHH!,". I quickly bent down,"Nate what-," he cut me off. "Mark you have to go. Right now!," he said. "What? Nate, talk to me. What's happening?," I asked. "You have to go now. Please Mark go. I can't let him hurt you. I can't let him hurt the one person who means everything to me," he pleaded. "Nate I'm not going. What the hell is happening," I said firmly. He wasn't taking no for an answer. He pushed me away and went inside his house. "Nate! Open up!," I yelled. Silence. "Okay you asked for it!," I kicked down the door and ran inside. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Nate?," I called out. "You in here,"? Still silence. I walked around the living room and made my way up to the second floor. One of the doors was halfway open. I pushed it all the way and walked towards his bed. I saw him. He had his face buried in his knees. But there was something different about him."Nate? It's Mark," I told him. He looked up and flashed a smile. Something not right. I was Nate's smile but it...wasn't Nate. "Hey Mark,"he said. I knew right there and then that it wasn't my Nate. "Who...what are you," I asked. He laughed. "Oh me. Heh-heh. I'm your worst natemare," he answered. Then it all went black.

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