#3 Sara's POV

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 Erin and I are sitting in my room, we are talking, but mainly, we are on our phones. I am almost sure that Frankie is outside my door because I can hear him shuffling around. He is not a very quiet dog.

I left my door open a crack so he can just come in whenever, he likes to do that, my door is normally not closed, it is just so you only have to push it open.

"Twenty One Pilots are having another contest on Twitter and I am already entered, I really want to win this." I whined to Erin.

"What are they giving away  this time?" Erin asked, sounding only a little bit amused.

"Twenty five dollar gift card, a poster, stickers, tickets-" I was interrupted by a loud thud on my door. Before I walked over to see what it was, I already knew that it was Frankie. 

"I guess that I did close the door." I mumbled to myself, knowing that not even Erin could hear me. "What the heck?" I said, as I poked my head out of the crack of the door.
"Frank ran into my door, I think. Are you okay Frank?" I asked Frank sweetly.

Frank jumped up, and ran over to Erin, she was laying on the floor, on her back, with her arms up above her face, holding her phone. Frank choose to run strait into her, knocking her phone to drop onto her face, causing me to laugh so hard, I fell onto the bed, still laughing.

"OUCH OW OW OW OW... Ow ow ow! I'm fine." Erin exclaimed, making me laugh even harder. "What do you want, Dopey?" Erin asked Frank, using his nickname that I gave him. All he did was just give her a very confused face. 

"I wasn't even gonna ask ." I said, making her, and me both burst out into laughter.

"Frank, you can come and cuddle with me." Almost as soon as I said it, he was laying on top of my chest, of course, cuddling with me. He is a small-ish dog, but he is fat, and lazy, making him heavy. 

I was on my phone, and Erin was back on her phone too.  Frankie kept eyeing my phone, and the door, this was scaring me, because I left the door open. Frankie grabbed my phone with his mouth and ran down the stairs. 


I am running down the stairs, with Erin behind me, Frank in front of me. He made it to the door before we could stop Grandma from opening it. Frank is outside, its pouring out. I am going to start to cry. " Frank, Frankie. Do not drop the phone, it is pouring out, it will break." 

Yup. Guess what happened?! Frankenstein dropped my phone into a puddle. and it broke... ( Don't laugh, without my phone... there would not be this book... MUHAHAHAHAH) 

"Erin, grab my phone, I will get him." Erin nods at me and i run into the field/woods that frank is in right now. I found him, and he is like, shivering, he must've sensed that i was mad. Can dogs do that? "Frank, Frank, I am not mad..." I lied, i knew he understood me, he is smart, i was mad, but, i wasn't going to be mad at him. "; I know that you didn't mean to do it, come on, let's go." I kept my voice even and calm, so he doesn't get scared. I started to run to my house, and as thought noting just happened, Frank ran right passed me; his tail  was wagging, he was happy. 

      -----Next day at morning--------------

"Why is Erin always here?" Jason moaned
"Same reason why you get nightmares." I responded on the spot.  making Erin silently laugh. "Grandma, did you get the rice to work with  my phone?" I asked my grandma hopefully "

"I'm sorry sweety, but its gone." Grandma replied

"Why don't call dad and ask him for a new one? Oh wait, you don't have a phone to call him on. Ha."

I just gave him my worst glare I could.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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