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Briana's POV

We get to the lobby and meet up with everyone else. We have to go in 2 übers. It's me Hayes, Daniel, Tez, and Alyssa. Everyone else in the other. Daniel and Hayes are sitting next to me in the back and we're all on our phones. They go on insta to notice some fans and I'm bored so I get on to look at my feed and see what my friends are up to. When it's finally loads my notifications are blown up. I got over 500 follow request from people I don't even know my friends spammed me with like and my internet friends blew up my dm's.
"What?" Says Daniel noticing my shock.
"My notifications are blown up. They're never like this." I says rolling through all the people who want to follow. I give trying to see if anyone I actually know requested me and just check my dm's. One of my best friends Luna dm'ed me.


L- Bri Bri Bri!!!

Your famous
Why didn't you tell me?
Omg I'm freaking out!!!
You have fans girl!!!
Omg Bri!!!

B- What even happened I'm haven't gone on insta in a while. What's going on?

L-  Your kidding right?

B- No

L-DANIEL DUH! He posted a vid of you singing on his Twitter and you got fans! Hayes did too your huge!


L- It's true!!

"Hayes Daniel did you guys post videos of me singing?"
"Yea why?" They say.
"My insta is blown up! I have fans cause of you guys and I haven't even done anything"
"Hey it's was you singing wasn't it?" Hayes says.
"Yea but-"
"Then don't give us the reason for your success we just helped the world see you but your the one who had the talent." Says Daniel as he kisses me on the forehead.
"Fine but ahh I can't believe this is happening!"
"Well believe it babe. This is your life now." Says Alyssa and smiles at me.

"Well then I guess we have two things to celebrate tonight." I say as we stroll into the parking lot of the restaurant. 


Hey guys so sorry for the short chapter but I updated so yay! Sorry it's been a while I've been busy cause it's my last few weeks of summer and I've been going out a lot but I'm here now and I will do my best to update as much as I can. 


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