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Hello friends welcome to Sidmin's Tashan E World....

And I hope so that you'll like this story....

Sidhant - S

Twinkle - T

Yuvraj - UV or U

Mahi - M

Yuvraj and Mahi together known as Yuhi

Leela - L

Rajbeer - R or Raj

These are the short form which I'll use for them....

This is a fan fiction of serial TASHAN E ISHQ

So let's start the Sidmin's story with a beautiful smile on your face...........


A cabin is shown where a nameplate is hanged on which it is inscribed "Officer Rajbeer Taneja". Camera gets inside the cabin....where a man is sitting on the chair...He picks up the phone and calls someone....

R - Send officer Twinkle in my cabin...


R -Come in...

The camera shows the door of the cabin....a girl in formal white shirt and black pencil cut skirt till her knees gets in...Her hair is tied in top ponytail and light pink lipstick on her glossy lips with light pink blush on and pearl neck piece around her neck...looking elegant stunning and what not....words are just less to describe her beauty....and she is Twinkle Taneja....

She enters the cabin and salutes him saying....

T - Jai Hind Sir....

R - Jai Hind Ms. Twinkle...please take a seat...

T - Yes sir...

R - Twinkle I've called you for a very important mission...we have to handcuff the smuggler....he is just making government insane...his activity is making Indian government to suffer huge loss...he is just selling all the item less than the actual price to foreign clients as well as giving more money to Indian farmers so everyone is keen to sell his products to him rather than to government....and due to this government's reputation is at sake...he is also selling snakes skin to foreign clients which is his real source of income...and we got to know tonight also he had some deals and to entertain his guest and himself he'll bring some sluts for them...and every time his men bring girls from "HOS-TU-MA-BAR". As you know you are one of the best officers so I want you to handle this mission...

T (In commanding voice) - Yes sir.....

R - So your mission will start from tonight only....you have to go to that bar and you have to make sure that you got selected as they don't select all the girls....

T - Yes sir.

R - Now you may leave.....

Twinkle gets up...

T - Jai hind sir...

She turns to leave when...

R (With loving and concerned voice) - Twinkle....

She turns back to him while Raj gets up from his chair and went to her and moves his hand on her head....

R (Teary eyes) - I'm proud of you beta.....

T - And I'm proud to be your daughter papa... (Smiles)

They hug each other.....


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