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Before I start this, I want all of you guys to know, this may be my first, or second (actual) human book. So if I mistake somebody for somepony, or hand and hoof, please excuse it.

My name is, Jasmine Flower Careina. My middle name, and first name weirdly connect, I know. But this is the story...of, me. I'm currently 15. And, I only live with my mom. My Dad left a while back. I was maybe 2 months old, back then. But, since my mom always has business trips, I never stay at a school for more then 1 month. Its weird, I do always try to make friends, but almost everyone hates me. I hate me to. I nothing but a mistake. A stupid, ugly, gay mistake. I don't deserve friends. But I geuss I can, try to be presentable to people. Even if they aren't nice to me.

Its funny really, it seems like people are your friends one moment, and then, they bully you the next.

There used to be a time where people could stay out until midnight, just walking around the block while talking and laughing. Now people could kill you, rape you, and more bad things. What happened to the world?

Anywho, let me tell you what I look like. I always wear a black beanie. Some people ask if I wash it. I own 12. Each the same color. Anytime 1 needs to be washed, I wear another one that I have.

I have black hair, and blue hair, that fades into purple. I have pale skin, and dark brown eyes. My eyes, aren't just regular brown, if you see them from far away, you may mistake them for black. Most people may think I'm emo. Just because I've mostly been known to wear black.

But enought about me. Lets get on with what changed the whole perspective, of my life.

I woke up to my alarm. It blasted 'Pity Party' by my favorite Artist Melanie Martinez. (P.S. I actually am in love with that song. So ya. :3)

I sat up in bed. My black, blue, and purple hair the stucking out every where. I'm not exactly the neatest sleeper in the world. When I was 7, I had a sleepover with my cousin. We slept in her brothers bed since he was away, and his bed was huge.

I woke up the next morning she kept saying I kicked her in her side, and there was a small bruise on her side. (True story.) So now, I'm not aloud to sleep with someone at a sleepover again.

I got up, looking around at my normal bland room. I didn't paint it, since I knew I most likely would be leaving in a few weeks. I got up, going toward my closet. I didn't really have to many clothes out. I put on a black sweater, and a white tee under, and black ripped jeans with black converses.

I walked to my bathroom, looking in the mirror at my messy hair. "Ugh..." I cringed at how it looked. I grabbed my brush, moving in through my hair. And repeating the process over and over, and soon my hair was straight.

I didn't nessicarily want other kids to pull it, but the pain would be less if it wasn't loose. I decided to put in a braid, and put my beanie on over it.

I brushed my teeth, added on a little black eye shadow, only a bit, and grabbed my white book bag. It had drawings of Hatsune Miku, levi, and more. Along with a small rainbow dash drawing. I made it small so, hopefully, no one would notice.

I went down the hall, toward the living room. I noticed my mom, on the couch with Susy. "No. Susan. I am your manager. You do, what I say." My mom said in a strict voice. "Hey mom." I said, in a moto-tone voice. She kept rambling on with Susy. "Hey mom." I said slightly louder.

Now most kids, would be pissed. But I'm used to it. I had to deal with it for atleast 12 years. In two days, it'll be 13 years. "Hey mom!" I said in a loud yet sorta kind way. She froze, looked at me and smiled. "Oh, hey Bloom!" Bloom is my nickname since I'm named after a flower.

As badly as I wanted to roll my eyes, I just kept the same expression, of no emotion. "Aren't you taking me to school?" I asked. I'm so used to her taking me, since we never really stayed long.

She had a nervous expression, I could hear her sigh softly. "I have a surprise....We're now living here!" My eyes went almost unrealisticly wide.


MWAHAHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! Anyways, yeah, I know its shirt, but what do you guys think? Good prologue? Anywho gots to go mah breeziez! Buh-Bai!


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