{Chapter 2: The return}

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Previously in 'I Wanna Fly.'(spoiler alert. Alot 9f namedrops. Get you whiskey-I mean milk! Just milk.....heh.)
I then looked up, seeing....

"Her." I said nearly dropping everything in mind hands.

     "Who?" Dashie said, I kept looking straight ahead though. "H-Her.." I said. I went down in my seat, hoping she wouldn't see me.

      "Oh. You mean-" Dashie started but the new girl looked at the girl with a scoff. "Alexis Carter. She's the school bitch."

     She said, I could tell her, and Alexis have had a history. "Wait, whats your name anyways?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

    "Jasmine Caesar. Call me Jazz. Yours?" Jasmine said, and smiled. But she had on black glasses, kinda like nerds would wear, but she somehow pulled em off.

    "Jasmine Careina. Call me Bloom." I smiled. She smiled back. "Hey may I-" We were interrupted, by Alexis.

          She stopped and glared at me, with pure hatred. I loomed away, down at my sketch, making sure my eyes weren't watering.

       Everyone I knew, always gave me that glare, and it would make me remember everything, nearly making me cry.

      "Well if it isn't little miss emo gaybird." She said, with a small smirk. I could see the three of them look at her, also glaring.

      "What-" Dashie started, I put my hand up, motioning for her to stop. 'Breath in. And let everything out.' I thought, and took a shaky breath in.

    "Atleast I have better things to do with my life but insult people who actually have a fucking life." I said. I could hear everyone gasp. I gasped with them and covered my mouth. "I-I didn't, I don't know where th-that came from!" I said quickly.

      "Look here miss, I can say what I want bitch." She said,  Alexis and got close pointing a finger at me. "I run this school. You are a nothing. I am a something. And lets keep it that way. Got it?"

   She said, in a serious tone. I nodded, tears in the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill. "Good." She backed away with a smirk. "Goodluck not getting the crap beaten out of you." She said, and laughed, putting on her shades. (Btw, Alexis looks like the girl in the media.)

       I breathed in and out slowly, and shoved my books back in my bookbag. I panted slightly. Why did I say that? What made me say that? What if that helps me get bullied again?! WHAT IF THE FRIENDS I JUST MADE BULLY ME TO?!

      I snapped back to reality, realizing I was crying the whole time. I panted heavily. "Are you okay Bloom?!" Bry said worry in her voice. I kept panting, and just nodded slowly. I didn't dry my tears, I let them run.

       I don't care anymore god wanted this to happen. I'll let it be. I felt 6 arms hug me softly. I looked to see all of them hugging me.

      "Don't worry. We'll make sure no one ever hurts you. Ever!" Dashie said. I smiled softly.

"Thank you."

Just a small short chappie because I literally just got this sent to my phone, and I'm pretty scared.

So ya! Anywho, gots to go mah breezy baes! Buh-bai!

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So ya! Anywho, gots to go mah breezy baes! Buh-bai!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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