{Chapter 1: New, Forever school}

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Okay, so before I start  just so you guys know, this involves 2 people that I asked fo be in this book, so pwease go follow dem!: Pinkamena_Diane_Pie8
And, DashieUniversity so again pwease go follow dem. Now lets start!


Previously: "I have a surprise.....We're now living here!" My eyes went almost unrealisticly wide.


"WHAT?!" I yelled. "First of all, do NOT raise your voice at me. Second of all....Surprise?" She smiled,nervously. I was beyond mad, beyond raging, and beyond fumed.

         "Why didn't you tell me?!" I said, I felt as if, every part of me was in flames. "Because I didn't want you to be mad!" She said back. "Why didn't you tell me, so maybe I could approve of this!" I yelled again. "Because! You are a kid! I'm am the ADULT!" She yelled back. I just sighed, every part of me cooled.

     "Okay, where's the bus stop?" I said, in a slightly angry, yet calm tone. She panted. "Down the street, by the blue house." She said, and sat back down, both hand massaging her head, her hair was in a tight bun, she had on red lipstick, and a black business suits.

      I nodded and grabbed my phone off the charger. It has a white rubber case, with a black hard one under. (also true. :3)

And I ran out the house, slamming the door slightly. I could here her yell toward me, but I was walkung to fast. To many things were going through my head. Why the hell didn't she tell me? If she didn't want me to be mad, maybe she could've told me.

     I live with her! I should get to approve or, disaprove of where I live! I stomped my foot un frustration, along with a groan. I kept walkibg. Ahead I could see to figures.

      There was 2 girls. One looked peppy and nice, the other sorta boyish. Oh god. Here comes the social awkwardness.....I sighed under my breath, and walked slightly slower.

       The peppy one noticed me and smiled wide, waving. I noticed she had tan-ish skin, and golden hair, with aqua colored tips. The other was had slight darker colored skin, and black hair.

     She just kept her eyes, straight ahead. I kept walking, I'm not excited about how this could go......What could happen? Would they hate me? What if they think I'm weird? Oh god.....to many problems....UGH! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SOCIALLY AWKWARD?!

    Unfortunately, was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice that the wooden pole was infront of me.

I fell back on my butt. I was ready to here people laugh. Instead, I only heard the same noise.

    A small dog barking, sound of buzy vehicles speeding past me. I heard foot steps running toward me.

     "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" A sweet, and somewhat kind voice said. I opened my eyes, to see the two girls standing over me. I nodded. I didn't want to open my mouth, so it wouldn't be awkward.

      "Need some help?" The girl with black hair said. I shook my head no and stood up. My butt sorta hurt but ther then that, I was fine. I grabbed my bag a few manga comics, drawing, and My Little Pony comic book had fell out. I quickly gathered those.

  I didn't already want to have bully problems. The two smiled. "My names Bryanna." The one with golden and aqua hair said. I smiled at her. She quickly smiled back.

      I glanced at the other one. she had the same expression. "Cayla. But call me Dash." She said. I smiled at her. she smiled back at me. But it was small. she had on a classic jock shit. with white sleeves, and white vest part. With jeans and red Jordans. classic high school. 

    Bryanna looked like she may be a cheerleader. She had on a sorta mix between red, and orange shirt, that was long sleeved but it came of her shoulders, and had black straps. she also had on a blue jeans, and brown boots. Somewhat peppy, but nice, and fit. Cayla looked like she would be a jock. again somewhat fit, the jacket the team would wear if they were walking together.

   "Yo you alright?" I saw a hand wave infront of my face. I snapped out of it. "Oh, did I zone out?" I said, the two nodded.

        I felt my face heat up in embarrisment. "We kept asking what your name was and you wouldn't answer." Bryanna said. Cayla nodded. "Oh....its Jasmine. You can call me Bloom." I said. the two nodded. "Nice to meet you!" Cayla said. Bryanna smiled. "Same to you both."

      As if on cue, the bus pulled up. I felt my fear of social awkwardness, kick back in. "Come on!" Bryanna said. Her and Cayla walked on.

    I walked on after. The bust driver looked bad.....he looked as if he made horrible choices in life. I kept walking. Bryanna sat with another girl behind me.

        I sat with Dash. "So....what is the school like?" I asked, rejusting my beanie. "One of the biggest schools in the city. You could get lost with one step." She chuckled. I nodded, and took out my sketch book.

      I began sketching a simple face, I drew all the lines. Soon I finished the head sape, then I started sketching the hair, it didn't turn out so, amazing but it was okay. It looked almost like me. (In media)

     "Woah...." I heard atleast three people say. I jumped slightly, seeing Dash, Bryanna, and another new face, I didn't recognize.

       I blushed embarrassed, "Y-you watched me draw?" I said. All of them nod. "Mhm! And your amazing at it!" The new one said, nearly falling. She had dark brown skin, and black hair that was in braids, not pulled back but in this sorta way:

 She had dark brown skin, and black hair that was in braids, not pulled back but in this sorta way:

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(Yes back then I used phone editor to blurr the corners out. Technology! Amazing ain't it? XD) I smiled at all three of them, still blushing slightly.
      "Th-thanks..." I studdered out, and started shading her clothes, beanie, and eye, making it look like she had on eye shadow. Then, I looked up to see.......



   Oh, yes. All of the cliffhangers so who do chu guys think "Her" is? Also Yesterday I went on wattpad on my laptop, oh. My. Bucking Celestia. It was SO different. Anywho gots to go breezies! Buh-bai!



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