A Little....Quarrel.

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Now they have been re-united Yugi can now do disclaimers instead of me, thanks Yugi.
Yugi: hey! Fine, Mel does not own YU-GI-OH!  But does own the plot so please don't steal.
Yami: she is also he devil his/her self
Mel: hey!, but that is partly true haha
Yugi: okayyyyy.........
Mel: anyways, back to the story.
Normal pov.
The man approached the duo slowly, but dangerously as they just stared at him.
"I'll repeat again but clearer, who are you? And what are you doing with my..... 'Personal. Helper'? " he said as calm as he could be.  Those words alone made Atem shudder but think 'what could he mean? '
"That doesn't matter, the question is, who are you? And what do you want? " Atem replied to which the man just snorted
"Your clueless aren't you? go on Yugi, tell him" he encouraged so much hesitation surrounded Yugi, what was he supposed to say? How could he say it? Does he have the guts to say something to someone who he can't remember?

Atem pov
I stood there as Yugi was hesitant to speak so I decided to speak up for him.
"He doesn't have to say anything he doesn't want to" the unwanted guest gave me a dagger look which was supposed to intimidate me but it didn't.
"Don't mess with fire kid" he said as he pulled out a dagger, luckily I had my millennium puzzle (A/N: I think I mentioned the puzzle splitting in two?  If not, it did, and they half the power in it but it's still unbelievably powerful) and before he could try anything I used the power to mind crush him (A/N: YGOAS reference)  and used the power of teleportation to send me and Yugi back home (A/N: if you remember I used this power in A True Love, my first book, I know it doesn't have that power but oh well).

Yugi was so tired by the end of it that he fell asleep so I carried him upstairs back to his room and put him in bed.

Home at last.
So Yugi is now safe and sound, in his house, and old bed.  The man has gone, next course of action will be to get Yugi to remember, help him through it, get them together, write a lemon, then tell you why he went into depression.
Hope you enjoy the many more chapters to come!
Atem: he's home!
Mel: yes, but there is a long way to get him back to normal gain
Atem: *looks down* yeah, I know......
Mel: *hugs Atem*

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Until next time
Fangirl out.

P. S. Sorry for the extremely short chapter.

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