Chapter 13:Moving In Together

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Kikyo's POV:
My eyes widened and a dark blush dusted my pale cheeks.  I looked down and felt sensei staring at both of us.  "Is this what both of you want?"  He questioned.  I shyly nodded my head and he sighed.  "Very well then.  You two may share a room."  He told us.  Orochimaru thanked him and led me to my room.

He turned me to face him and smiled at me.  "Since your room is bigger than mine, why don't I move into your room?"  He asked me.  I nodded my head and helped him get all his stuff into my room.  I positioned his purple chest of drawers next to my red one and put all his weapons on the wall opposite of my weapon wall.  I smiled at our work and laid on m-our bed.  I blushed lightly when I felt Orochimaru lay behind me, wrapping his arms Round my waist and pulling me closer to him.  He started kissing my neck and I tried muffling a giggle.  He apparently still heard it because he turned me to face him with a questioning look.  "Are you ticklish?"  He asked me.  I blushed and nodded my head. He smirked at me and started tickling me.

I began giggling uncontrollably as he continued and tears streamed down my face.  "P-please s-stop."  I begged him.  He thought for a moment and shook his head, continuing on with tickling me.

"I may consider stopping if you tell me who you love."  He told me.  I continued laughing really hard and nodded.

I tried to stop my laughter and get some air to tell him.  "I love y-you."  I said in between giggles with a heavy blush.  He smirked and stopped, kissing my nose afterwards.  I started trying to regain my breath and gripped onto his shirt.  I chuckled a bit and froze, feeling my hair stand on edge as an unfamiliar chakra near our window.  I pointed to it and Orochimaru's eyes narrowed.  The person opened the window and I pulled them to us as we stood up.  I looked at his forehead protector and growled.  "A stone ninja.  What did you come here for.  Tell me the truth and I might let you live."  I told him.  He shivered and nodded his head.

"The Tsuchikage told me to kidnap and force you to join our village, but I guess plan B will have to do."  He told us.  My eyes widened as the ground shook.  Earth spikes started coming up from the floor and I jumped, landing on the ceiling with Orochimaru right behind me.  'Kill the caster and the justu will be stopped.'  I thought to myself.  I took out my sword from my parents and slit his throat.  I dropped him to the ground and the spikes retracted, allowing us to land on the floor.  I wiped the blood off of my sword and re-sheathed it.

Orochimaru placed a hand on my shoulder and it was then I realized that I was shaking.  He pulled me into an embrace and I returned it, grabbing his shirt in my fists.  He rubbed my back gently.  "Why did I have to be so powerful that everyone wants me dead or under their control?"  I asked as tears slipped down my cheeks.  I sobbed uncontrollably and Orochimaru say is down on the bed.

"Don't worry, no one will lay a finger on you."  He told me.  I hugged him tighter and tried to control my sobs.  He continued trying to comfort me and sensei burst in the door.

He sighed and came over to us.  "Are you two all right?"  He asked us.  I sniffled and we both nodded.  Sensei smiled at us and gently grabbed my hand, trying to comfort me.  I smiled slightly at his kind gesture.  "If you need anything, just ask.  I'll dispose of the body."  He told us and picked it up, taking it away from our room.

Orochimaru looked at me with a soft smile.  "Perhaps it would be best if we lie down."  I told her.  She nodded and he laid the two of us down on the bed and I snuggled into his chest.  Orochimaru started singing a song, his deep voice sounding like an angel.  I smiled and my eyelids grew heavy.  I closed them and fell asleep.

Orochimaru's POV:
Kikyo quickly fell asleep and I made a move to get up, only to be pulled back down on the bed.  "Don't...leave."  Kikyo said and fell back to sleep.  I smirked and nodded.

"I never will."  I whispered and kissed her forehead.  I laid there, wide awake with Kikyo in my embrace, when Danzo came in.

I narrowed my eyes at him while he showed no emotion.  He opened his eye that he usually kept closed and looked at the two of us.  I covered Kikyo and I with the blanket to hide her from his line of sight.  "Orochimaru, you Ana Kikyo would be valuable assets to the ANBU black ops.  Hiruzen and I need you to join immediately."  He told me quietly as to not wake Kikyo.  My white snake, Slithers, wrapped himself around Danzo and squeezed lightly, waiting for me to say what he should do next.

I smirked as Danzo looked disgustedly at Slithers.  "Danzo, Kikyo and I have no interest whatsoever of joining your root ANBU team.  I know Sarutobi sensei didn't send you in here, so leave now or I'll make you."  I told him and released one-third of my killer intent, which I must say is very strong.  He got down on his knees and managed to keep himself from throwing up.  I chuckled quietly at him.  "You know, you talk big, but it looks like that's all you've got.  Now leave before I unleash two-thirds of my killer intent."  I commanded him.  He quickly got up, after Slithers unwrapped himself from Danzo, and left in a panic.  I chuckled at his cowardice and laid my head back down on the pillow, immediately letting sleep overtake me.
I just had to do that to Danzo, I wish I could've been the one making him draw his last breath and kill him.  I hate his guts if you couldn't tell.  Hope you all enjoyed.  Remember to please VOTE and COMMENT!

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