Chapter 7

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A knock on the front door of Sydney's dad's house woke up Renae. She opened the door to see Jackson standing outside drenched in rain. "Is Sydney here" Jackson asked. "Who might you be" Renae asked. "I'm a friend of her's she's living in my apartment" Jackson said. Renae rolled her eyes before she called for Sydney. "I think the witch is calling" Margaret said. Sydney put on some clothes then went downstairs. "This guy says he knows you of all people" Renae said. "Piss off come on Jackson" Sydney said. 

Sydney and Jackson went back upstairs to her room. Margaret was playing with her American girl dolls when Sydney and Jackson walked in. Sydney closed the door to the connected room between her's and Margaret's. "How did you find me" Sydney asked. "Dylan" Jackson said. Sydney sat on the bed Jackson joined her. "I'm not stalking you if that's what you came to" Jackson said. Sydney didn't say anything as she fiddled her thumbs. "I needed space from the city that's why I came here" Sydney said. "You definitely got it coming here" Jackson said. "Plus I hadn't seen my dad in a while so I payed him a visit" Sydney said. "Your step mom sure is a keeper" Jackson said. Causing Sydney to laugh she covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't be so loud since her step sister is next door. "She was so mad that I showed up yesterday" Sydney said. "Seem's like your dad has a type" Jackson said. "Crazy middle aged ladies" Sydney said. Jackson nodded with a smirk on his face. 

"So how long are you planning on staying here" Jackson asked. "Depends on Renae and how long she'll run on patience" Sydney said. Jackson nodded as he chuckled next to Sydney. "Looks like your step sister is pretty normal" Jackson said. "Yeah she's got a Oliver attitude" Sydney said. "What about your other step sister" Jackson asked. Sydney sighed then she began to speak. "Caroline is definetly Renae's daughter indeed she doesn't even speak to me plus Renae put lies into the little girls head luckily her lies didn't effect Margaret" Sydney said. "Why'd she tell her four year old lies about you" Jackson asked. "It's something that she loves to do...she loves to hate me since I didn't pop out of her belly" Sydney said. "She discriminates against you since you're not her daughter by blood" Jackson asked. Sydney nodded while looking at Jackson. "But she married my dad so she's forced to fake love me in front of my dad...but I know my dad know's the real truth between her and I" Sydney said. 

Jackson pulled Sydney into his embrace he turned on the tv that was across the room facing the bed. The two watched a few movies on Netflix such as 'Corpse Bride' and 'The Other Guys'. First movie Sydney picked I guess you could say that she's a emo girl on the inside. Meanwhile Jackson chose a comedy to ease the tension of the recent movie. "Have you always had a love for Tim Burton films" Jackson asked. "What did you expect Breakfast club or something basic like Forest Gump" Sydney teased. "I didn't mind the film...I just don't watch those types of films often" Jackson asked. Sydney looked at him with a smile on her face. "Did it freak you out aw I'm sorry Jacky" Sydney said. "Jacky..." Jackson asked. Sydney straddled his waist running her hands up his torso. "It suits you" Sydney teased. "I'm getting tired of your teasing" Jackson said. "What are you going to do about it" Sydney asked. "This" Jackson said. Jackson's lips met Sydney's as the door opened during they're so called make out. "And I thought he was just a friend young lady" Renae said. 

#Cockblocked by Renae 

Jackson, Sydney, and Renae went downstairs. William was sitting at the table with the two younger daughter. "Why do you look so mad mom" Margaret asked. "Caroline, Margaret go to your room's please" Renae said. The two didn't hesitate to rush to their rooms. "What seem's to be the problem" William asked. "I caught them making out in your daughters room William" Renae said. William looked at the two who were standing behind Renae his eye's went back to her. "I don't see anything wrong" William said. "Neither do I" Sydney said. "God!...You're just like your father" Renae said. "Renae relax they're old enough to be doing that hell even drinking for that matter" William said. Renae didn't say anything else before she went to her shared room. "I'm still not wanted here am I" Sydney asked. William sighed then got up from the chair. "Give her time she'll come around" William said. "You've said that on your wedding day and you're still saying it to this fucking day...when will she come around tell her to grow the hell up already she's a forty something women who's stressing over her husbands daughter living with them...If I were her I'd actually stress over if my own kids ate today...not a grown ass twenty year old" Sydney said. 

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