Chapter Four.

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Danielle's POV

I pulled away from his lips and stared at him. That wasn't so bad.

"Well, Mrs. DeMonte, shall we?" He extended his arm in an invitation and with a I reluctantly took it. We walked back down the aisle, arm in arm, as a couple.

There was a massive reception in the grand hall afterwards. I noted that whoever decorated was amazing at it. It looked beautiful, from the shimmering white bows, to the white chocolate fountain. As I sat down to the left of my new husband, I noticed the chairs had big black bows tied on the back. They were beautiful. A vase sat in front of us, as did every other table, filled with beautiful two fully bloomed black and white roses. Each detail was absolute perfection, especially the little white napkins with our names in cursive black writing. I heard the clinking of glass on both sides of me and my husband, looking over at my 'family' then to his on his right. Food was brought out by waiters all in fancy little aprons. I briefly wondered what vampires ate, but my curiosity was answered when Mr. DeMonte was brought regular human food.

He must have seen my confused expression, because he took a forkful of fresh mango and gave me my answer I seeked.
"Vampires can eat food, but we can't keep it down"

I made a face, earning a laugh before he stuck the mango into his mouth. I myself couldn't eat anything, the butterflies in my stomach were starting to feel like rocks.

The awkward silence was only filled with the sounds of forks and plates clattering. I swallowed a mouthful of water, the silence filling tension into the room.

Finally the reception ended and the vampires and werewolves went there separate ways. After everyone left, finally it was just me and him. He led me to the limo, opening the door for me and letting me get in first. We rolled up the window connecting our side to the drivers side so he couldn't hear us if we wanted to have a conversation. The car ride was smooth and silent, until he broke the silence.

"So Danielle, I know I'm probably not your favorite person right now, but we're married, and I would love to know more about you. "

"Really?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Look Danielle, I know you'd rather be anywhere other then here. But in order for this to work we are both going to need to make some changes."

That wasn't exactly true after what my father put me through at home. Anywhere but there would do, but I didn't want to admit that to him.

"What do you want to know?"


"My name is Danielle Bluelake and I am twenty one years old. I am a werewolf and shouldn't really have anything to do you, but here we are. My father is the Alpha of my pack and isn't as nice as everyone says he is.

I have a best friend, Lily, who I already miss very much. She is like a sister to me.

I had no say in this marriage situation. My purpose is to mate with the males in our pack and produce lots of children, in which I am forced because I am an Alpha's daughter. But thanks to you Mr. DeMonte those plans have changed, in which I thank you because I would rather not be pregnant with various children of different men. Is that enough for you?"

Austin's pov

I was dumbfounded. Was that really how they treated women? As sex toys and producers of young?

"So Mr. DeMonte, tell me about yourself. "

"Well. Um. My name is Austin and I am two hundred and fifty six years old, " for a moment she give me a look of shock, but it soon disappeared. "I am a respected Elder, so that's why I was chosen for this arranged marriage. "

She looked me up and down, trying to decide if I was truthful.

"I live in a mansion, unfortunately it has silver fencing around it, so please be careful. I'm not going to treat you as the way your pack did, I am going to treat you as my wife and my equal, which is what you deserve. I'm not going to force you into anything. I have a spare bedroom because I figured you wouldn't be keen to sleeping with me. Although we will have to move forward in this marriage eventually, I will give you space. Is that enough for you?"

"Plenty" she whispered.

AN: hey guys, sorry it took so long to update. I'm in France, so updates may be spread out.

Anyways, let me know how I'm doing in the comments and make sure to spread the word that I'm finishing this story!

Until next time.

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