Untitled Part 1

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So the idea for this story came from both my sister and my cousin, so i blame them entirely for this haha :)

The boys all climbed into the car with Austin calling shotgun. They had a day off and Davey had suggested that they go to a place called Flamingo Land. It was a two-hour drive from where they were in Manchester so they were up early, but all four boys were excited and couldn't wait. They spent the two-hour journey listening to their favourite songs, singing and dancing along, having a good time. Eventually they made it to the amusement park where they split up. Austin and Nate headed towards the rides and Drew and Levi headed towards the zoo. They spent a few hours off on their own before they met up for something to eat. Nate then decided that he wanted to go on the biggest ride that they had and dragged Austin over to join the que. Drew and Levi wandered around looking at the animals for a few hours, closely followed by Davey. Austin and Nate had phoned Davey to say that they were stuck as the ride had broken down while they were on it. Drew had booked in to experience feeding the Giraffes so he wandered over to the meeting place, while Davey headed over to where Austin and Nate where stuck on the ride. Levi meanwhile, had wandered back over to see the meerkats. Deciding that they looked cute and adorable, he looked around and not seeing anyone in the immediate area he climbed into the enclosure. Instantly he was surrounded by the fuzzy little animals and sat down on the floor to be closer to them.

"How adorable and cute are you?" he asked picking one up and hugging it. He sat on the floor for a good fifteen minutes with the meerkats before Davey returned with Austin and Nate following. As soon as they say Levi surrounded by meerkats they burst out laughing and Nate started to take pictures and videos.
"Levi, you need to get out of there!" Davey exclaimed.
"But I don't wanna." Levi replied moving slightly further into the enclosure.
"You can't be in with the meerkats Levi!" Davey said
"But they like me, look." Levi answered showing Davey how the meerkats liked him and were playing with him.
"Levi, you're going to get us kicked out if you stay in there much longer!" Davey said exasperated.
"Okay, fine. I'm coming out." Levi said defeated. He stood up and made to move towards Davey and the others when the meerkats huddled around him and wouldn't move.
"Uh guys? We have a problem." He said.
"Just try to step forward." Davey suggested while Austin and Nate were doubled over with laughter. Levi tried to step forward but the meerkats wouldn't move, trapping him where he was. Just then a worker from the park came up to them.
"Excuse me, you can't be in there." he said after spotting Levi amongst the meerkats in the enclosure.
"He's trying to get out but they won't let him move." Davey replied. After glancing around the zoo Austin tapped Davey on the shoulder.
"We have another problem." He said.
"What else could possibly be happening?" he asked. Austin just pointed to the other side of the zoo where they could see Drew leading a giraffe out the exit.
"I am never taking you four anywhere ever again!" he said "make sure Levi gets out of there and I'll deal with Drew." He started to make his way to the exit, leaving Austin to deal with Levi. Nate meanwhile was recording everything and trying not to fall over he was laughing that hard. The park worker had radioed for an animal handler to come and help Levi out.
"What's the problem?" she asked walking up to them.
"Honestly, the meerkats won't let this guy leave." The park worker replied pointing to Levi. The animal handler took one look at him surrounded by meerkats and burst out laughing.
"Well this has certainly never happened before." She replied before climbing in the enclosure. She slowly made her way towards Levi trying not to attract any attention from the animals. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful and they all huddled even closer to Levi nearly knocking him off his feet. For the next twenty minutes they tried unsuccessfully to get Levi out of the enclosure. Eventually the animal handler came up with the idea of trying to lure them away from him with food. She tried throwing the food on the other side of the enclosure and they still wouldn't leave Levi. She gave the bucket to Levi who tried throwing it against the far wall and it still didn't work. He started to feed the meerkats closest to him and noticed that they moved back slightly when they ate. Slowly he took a step forward and kept feeding them. It took him fifteen minutes but eventually he made it over to Austin and Nate where they helped him climb out. After they thanked the two employees for their assistance and promised never to do anything like that again, they made their way to the exit where they met up with Davey and Drew. Nate making fun of Levi the whole way.
"Seriously I am never taking you guys anywhere ever again!" Davey said leading them back to the car.
"What happened?" Levi asked.
"Drew tried to kidnap a Giraffe." Davey replied causing them to all burst out laughing and for Levi to high-five Drew.

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