Chapter 3

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Sorry for any mistakes!


Caroline's alarm goes off. She jumps out of bed, she's never been so happy before. She excited for school for the first time. Well she isn't really excited for the classes, but she's excited to see Calum again. Calum just makes her feel happy. Caroline rushes downstairs gives her mom a kiss on the cheek and makes breakfast. Goodmorning to you to! her mom says laughing. "Why are you so happy?" "Oh, nothing." Caroline is done with eating and goes to the bathroom. While she is washing her body she's just imagining over today. How she will walk into the bus and will see Calum sitting their holding a spot free for her. Her body tintles. Caroline puts on her clothes and shoes. Takes her bag and put the food that her mom made for her in her bag. And walks out the door before her mom had chance to say goodbye to her. The bus arrived at the bus stop and Caroline walked in happy. Calum didn't sat on the spot he sat yesterday. "Oh" Caroline whispers. She walks to the back to see if Calum is there but she doesn't see him. "Oh" she whispers again and goes sitting alone. 

The bus arrives at school and Caroline steps out, she walks into the school and sees the girls from her class. She says hi, but they ignored her. "Calum was right" she whispered. Today's first class is Maths. Caroline was always the only person in her class who didn't hate maths, she was actually pretty good at it. But she could never concencrate on what the teacher was saying, because the only thing she heard was her bullies yelling nasty things to her. 

 Classes went by and it was time to go home. 

Caroline sat in the bus alone till someone sat next to her, it was the popular girl from her class who yelled yesterday to her in English class when she stuttered. "Hii, I don't think that we've really met, my name is Nina." Caroline stays silent. "I might come over mean, but i'm nice i swear." "Look, i wantt to apologize for yesterday, you are new and I bet you we're very nervous. Do you want to hang out at my house? So we can get to know each other better?" Caroline finaly replied. "Sorry,  i'm very busy with homework you know." "Who cares about homework?" Nina said smiling. You are coming with me today! "Um, okay" Caroline said,  thinking she made the wrong decision. 

Caroline arrived at Nina's house, it was quite big. Nina told Caroline that her dad was a lawyer, so they we're quite rich. Nina introduced Caroline too her mom. Nina's mom didn't look like Nina at all. She was quite heavy  and had blonde hair with green eyes. Nina had very dark hair and blue eyes. "Hi Caroline, i'm Michelle." Caroline shakes her hand. "Nice to meet  you." "Do you guys want something to eat?" Michelle asks. "No, i'm fine. Thanks." "Caroline come with me, you need to see my room." I walked up the stairs. And saw 6 doors. "This is mine's" Nina showed Caroline the with her name on it. She opened the door and walked into her room, it was really big, my room could fit in the room like 5 times. Her walls are full of posters of Celebs. I spot Justin Bieber a lot. "Ew" I whispered. Nina didn't hear me.  "You're a fan of JB I see?" "Not really, I just think that he's really hot. I love guys with tattoos." "So, do you have a boyfriend?" Nina asked. "I saw you with that Calum, do you like him?" Why is she asking me this. I only met Calum yesterday. "No, I don't even know him." "Well I know him, he's my ex." "Oh" "Yeah, don't hang out with him, he will ruin you." "Huh,  how?" Nina ignored her question and changed the subject. "Let's do our nails, I got loads of nail polish." 

"Bye Nina!" and I walk out of her house, she was different than I expected. She told me that her father left her and her mom when she was young and she doesn't know why. I felt really sorry for her because I can't live without both of my parents. But I couldn't keep thinking about the fact that she said that Calum will ruin me, I know I don't know him, but he was very nice to me. Why would he ruin me?

"Shit, I forgot my keys." and I knock on my front door. The door opens immediately, I see my mom and her eyes all full of tears. "What happened?" "WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE WERE YOU I WENT TO YOUR SCHOOL BUT THEY SAID THAT YOU LEFT I WAS WORRIED WHERE WERE YOU" Oops, I might forget to call my mom to say that I was hanging out with Nina. "I was with a friend, sorry I forgot to call." "A friend? What's her name" "Nina" "Oh, okay. Good to see that you have friends, but please call me next time. I thought that something terrible happened to you." "I'm sorry." "It's okay" and she kisses me on my head. I walk to my room and jump in my bed. 


Sorry guys, I know this chapter was short, but please remember this is my first story! Please comment what you think and obviously vote!! And I'm thinking about starting a contest because I need a new book cover!! :) I love you all x 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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