The Beginning of The End

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Day 62 still no sign of my daughters Star and Serenity...... Its Been 2 months since them. I can only remember their faces..... It feels like it was just yesterday that they told me that couldn't wait for me to come home..... And Every time I close my eyes I remember my daughters walking into my arms for the first time. As I pick them up, they look at me and smile and gently put their hands on my face. But I had to open my eyes and face reality..... The question on my mind was “ will I ever see them again”.
The World that I once knew was gone.... Nothing but Sand,Ruin, Forgotten Places remain. In this world its everyman for himself.......... As days become nights I hear nothing but screams,explosions, and The Sound of Swords Clashing. I have avoided conflict and contact with anyone for 2 months now....... I gave up my life of War and Blood to raise a family of my own in the World Before. Their Mother Aurora was the best thing that ever happened to me, she was my light in my times of darkness, and my reason for living. I remember the first time we met...... It was a day when Angel tears would fall from the sky and the sun wouldn't smile. She was sad and walked alone in the cold to a high bridge seeking to end her suffering. As she was climbing over the rail, I ran as fast as I could to her leaving all my worries behind only caring for her safety........but I was too late. By the time I reached for her hand, she was falling into the Dark Abyss River. Leaving my worries behind, I jumped in after her swimming towards her carrying her to the shore. I give CPR 5 times and her eyes finally open. I hold her close to keep warm and give her my jacket....... She looks into my eyes and gently puts her hand across my face. I look back into her sky blue eyes and promise that I would take care of her....... She kisses me softly. We were together for 20 years and were raising 2 beautiful daughters. Star and Serenity 🌟🌌. One Night there was Fire in the town far away from our house. But this was no Ordinary Fire...... As I look into the distance past the fire beyond the town there was a portal opening. The Gates of Hell were Unleashed upon the world. Demons,Dragons, And Damned Souls came flowing out the portal into the town destroying everyone and everything. Just when I thought it was over I feel a presence beyond the portal. As his feet stomp the ground shaking the earth, I see eyes of fire and a being more powerful and dangerous than anything I've ever seen..........He has Come. Lucifer, The King of Hell and Wielder of the Devil's Flame, Made his way to the town with his army of creatures of unspoken tales and stories. My wife next to me holding my hand wondering if we'll be safe  looks at me as if she lost hope. I squeeze her hand and give her a kiss..... For I have not lost hope yet. I tell her take the girls somewhere safe and stay there till I come back. I hold them as if it would be my last time holding them. I run to the city wall as the city's army prepare their defenses.... I grab my bow,arrows,and a sword given to me by the town's priest. It was said that the sword held a divine power within and would only given to the descendant of an Angel. As We prepare our defenses, the Army of Hell draws closer and closer to the gate. We Fired everything we had but it wouldn't  be enough to stop the Endless Legions of Hell.They began their attack by Filling the Sky with Meteors of Fire and Black smoke. One of them destroyed the gate while the rest were devastating the town. As their Army came pouring in, we were ready to give our lives to defend the city and our families.....but this was much bigger than us. We were overrun and forced to retreat as more and more kept pouring in and our men were dying one by one. As we all scattered off fighting them in different places, I hear the scream of Aurora and noticed my house was in flames. I run to my house  hoping my family is safe......... But I was wrong. I look through the burning rooms as I hear my daughters screams again. I open a door only to find the Fist of Lucifer against my face.
I go through two walls and roll on my back. I try to raise my sword but they punch me again and hold me against my will. I try to fight back but I look over to see my daughters and wife in chains....... They scream my name. Lucifer walks over to Aurora and grabs her by the thoat. I try to cut loose run to her.....but I am still held back. Lucifer looks at me and Says “Love is a dangerous thing. Its obtained by those who truly feel its power and are motivated by it.” He laughs and says “ its something to live for and to die for.” He looks at Aurora and then looks at me and says “ are you willing to die for her?” I answer yes. He looks at Aurora asks “are you willing to die for him?” she answers and says she loves me....... He Laughs Harder. He pulls out a knife slowly says “ Like I said before Love Is a Dangerous Thing.” I begin to tremble and try to fight back even more. They punch me harder as I begin to bleed. I kept Saying No to myself and Out loud hoping he wouldn't do what I knew he was gonna do.
He says “ Like I said its something to live for..........” he quickly plunges the knife into her heart.... And says “ and something to die for.”
I watched her body fall to the floor and she begins to look at me with tears and says “ I love you...........Ta........Take care............ Of them.” as the light in her eyes fade away and she Bleeds out, the tears begin to come down my face in silence.
As Lucifer begins to walk to my daughters with the bloody knife,
I manage to escape in Anger and Charge at Lucifer. I cut his face but it was not a deadly blow. He counters my attack quickly with a devastating punch and kick.......I'm knocked out. as I try to regain consciousness, he runs back into the portal with my daughters and his army. Star and Serenity call me but........ I could barely lift a finger and I drop again to the floor.

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