The Spirit Within

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I wake up coughing and wonder if It was all just a nightmare......but it wasn't. As I open my eyes I see nothing but the ashes of my home and its people gone. Being the only Survivor of the town it felt lonely as my heart fell into a pit of Darkness...... Everything and Everyone I knew was gone. I look for my wife's body but find only her skeleton...... I notice that in her skeleton's hand there was a necklace. It wasn't just any necklace.... It was a necklace in the shape of a heart holding the picture of us as a family. As I grab the necklace, the memories of her kissing me and seeing my daughters for the first time begin to cloud my mind. It brings sadness to my face, Loneliness to my heart, and weakness to my body. I start to breathe heavily and the sun bursts through the clouds of ashes putting everything into its Light. As I Feel the Sun's presence and Power flow around me, I hear a voice whisper in wind telling me “ Let Go. The fire inside of you has stayed calm for too long. You hold to the power to save the world or destroy it. I know you feel the power of the beast inside you and you are afraid of losing control. Understand its power So you and it may come together as one. Go now the journey to Hell is long and perilous as you will encounter many foes but will also be greeted to new allies. You are a Descendant of The Great Angel Galizur and the sword you wield has power that surpass that of a God.” I understand the meaning of the wind's voice and close my eyes to speak to  the power and spirit within me. “ I wish to speak to the spirit within me. I seek your guidance and ask for help to control the power within me.” I hear silence for 2 minutes. I relax but then hear a loud ringing in my mind.......the spirit within me awakens. It Says“ I am the Spirit that has walked on this Earth for thousands of years. I am the Sky, Ocean, and Fire of The Heavens. I am The Dragon Spirit Rhaegos. I have been watching over you your entire life Henry.” I ask “ how do you know me?” He says “ I was there the day you were born and I saved you from death. Your father came to me in prayer hoping to save his child from the hands of death. I saw you as a child of my own and promised your father I would take care of you. I know you have summoned me to have the power to save your daughters and I am sorry about your wife.” I say “you were that night?!” Rhaegos say Yes. In Anger I respond “ You were there that night and did nothing........ You speak of the power to save lives.......Where was your power when the armies of Hell marched against our city??!!!?!?!
Where was your power when my people were dying and fighting for what they believed in?!?!?!? WHERE WAS YOUR POWER WHEN I HAD TO WATCH WIFE DIE IN FRONT OF MY EYES? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE TOOK MY DAUGHTERS AWAY FROM ME?????” as i drop to my knees, I begin to cry as the memory of watching my wife die comes to my mind again. Rhaegos says “ you Feel  sadness...Turn it into Rage. You Seek Revengence...... Use your Anger. Your People Died........ Feel their power and combine it with yours. You seek Power..... Then I shall give it to you!!!!!! I suddenly feels a strong power rise inside of me, as the sun beams its bright light upon me. I try to fight it..... But I hear the voice of my wife telling me to let go. I close my eyes as my body shakes....... And as I open them the fire in my eyes ignites once more. I Roar to The Sun as I feel the Power flowing through my veins. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ground cracks,the sky darkens, and the water rises rapidly.
I say thank you to Rhaegos and Grab the Angel Sword.
I walk up a hill and look Forward to see where my journey leads me. I look behind me and see my home covered in ashes. I hold the necklace tight and promise Aurora that I will bring Star And Serenity back Home. I look Forward and see all the Places and Lands I must go.

My Journey to Hell Begins..........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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