Character profile: Hoseok

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Zoe Di Angelo is an OC created by ZoeHerondale17 thanks again for letting me use her for the story :))

Name: Jung Hoseok
Godly parent: Hermes
Special abilities: can magically sense and pick locks, exels in athletics, skilled businessmen
Likes: Dancing, making his mouth do the shape, bringing happiness
Dislikes: exercising, choosing food, being sad
Friends: Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Zoe Di Angelo
Enemies: Maria Vivanco (im sorry in advance to the real maria vivanco)
Love interest: Zoe Di Angelo

Out of all of them, Hoseok's been there the longest. As soon as a new camper steps through the gate, there's Hoseok with his biggest smile on, ready to welcome them in.

Seokjin is the mother of their group but there are still secrets you hold that you wouldn't tell even your mom and for those secrets, there's Hoseok. Yoongi goes to Jin when he's about to tear his hair out over notes that can't seem to make it from his mind to paper, but he goes to hoseok when his ugliest thoughts about death threaten to swallow him whole.

Hoseok is the glue that keeps them all together with a bright smile and endless amounts of hope for the future. J-hope, they call him, all of the campers, everyone who Hoseok's touched with his smile, you're our hope.

"hobi-oppa, look at this!" Zoe grins, scrambling into the small little grove hidden amongst the trees surrounding the camp. She sits herself up against Hoseok, nuzzling into his hoodie. She points to a patch of dry ground and says "watch." She then clenches her hand into a fist and closes her eyes in concentration. When she opens them a tiny army of miniature skeletons rose from the ground ready for her command. Zoe looks over at Hoseok's face and realized her trick probably didn't do much to help his mood, so with a swipe of her hand the skeletons sink back into the earth.

She smiles at him and wipes at the tears on Hoseok's cheeks. "do you feel any better now?" She asks gently. When he only blinks at her, Zoe wraps her arms around him and he lays his head on her shoulder. She strokes down his back soothingly as Hoseok cries.

Cries because his mom doesn't want him home for the school year, tired of dealing with his adhd and dyslexia. Cries because he needs to smile, and smile, and smile, anyways because everyone depends on him as the hope.

"it's okay to cry," Zoe murmurs into Hoseok's hair and he squeezes her tighter with a breathless laugh. "you don't have to be strong all the time." She pulls away and wipes again at Hoseok's cheeks. "i can be strong for you sometimes too."

He still isn't entirely sure she can take on his sorrows, but Zoe is the one who finds him in his secret hiding place, the one who lets him hide tears in her shirt, the one who curls up against Hoseok some nights in his cabin, nuzzling into his neck like a giant housecat.

He's j-hope, the hope of camp half blood, but Zoe, hoseok thinks, idly petting her hair as she snuggles into hoseok's neck, Zoe is his personal hope.

Also, I did this in school and I didn't feel like editing it so any grammar mistakes or spelling errors I'm sorry for. I hope at least one person found this the teeniest bit entertaining.

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