*Beep* *beep
My alarm goes off as I am pried off the bed by my mom. I know she's just making sure I'm not going to go back to sleep. But honestly I just wanna stay home. There's nothing there for me at school. I have no one. No one cares if I'm there or not. No one cares if I'm dead or alive. So what's the point?
"Come on Hun, it's time for school and you have to go" "I know I'm just done with being there, I feel worthless" "but you're not, just get dressed and get out the door so you don't miss the bus" "uh okay mom...." "Thank you. Now smile and don't worry. You're brother and dad won't be home until late because they both are busy. So it'll be just you and I" I smiled up at her more as I realize that I won't have to deal with either of them tonight "okay mom, but
If anything happens, pick me up please" "okay dear. Love you" "love you too mom"*that morning*
"HEY WHORE GET DOWN HERE" they yelled as I ran down the hallway to history. The pack... The hellhounds follow me everyone... Never leaving me alone and tearing me apart... They are why I've never had a boyfriend. They are why I hate school and why i hate my life. They are why my self harm started and why my self hatred began... My moms my only friend... But I know this isn't the end

I miss you, my dearest friend
FanfictionHave you ever loved someone so much that even though you're best friends, you'd go to the extremes to make them happy again? That's what I do and always will.... For him....