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I think someone came to attack me...


I slid under the bed, and watched as my door opened. Someone walked in and looked around. "Kaia... I think it's time for you to go to sleep..." The voice was male, and he opened up my closet. He had a white hoodie, and I couldn't see his face. "Lightmare, I know your awake. Oh, I messed up your last name, Nightmare." He said. I gripped my tazer with my always gloved hands, and waited. He crouched down and looked underneath the bed. "You're awake? You're supposed to sleep at a time like this." He said creepily. I darted out and tazed his chest, and he fainted. I got one of my handcuffs, and cuffed him to the staircase that leads, well, upstairs.

The guy woke up, and saw me on my laptop with a bowl of cheese cubes. "Hey brat! Let me up!" He yelled, struggling. "Nah," I replied, researching people with carved in smiles and burnt off eyelids. "Nah? You don't have a choice! My buddies are going to come and save me no matter what, so why don't you just make this less of a hassle?" He asked. "Jeff the Killer, real name Jeffrey Alexander Woods. Creepypasta, who's saying is "Go To Sleep." Killed his family, including brother Liu Woods." I said, reading off his information. "How...?" He asked. "Internet" I said, and watched as my laptop glitched and words appeared on my screen. "You shouldn't have done that" They read. "POSSESSED COMPUTER" I yelled, and grabbed salt from the kitchen. "What's that going to do?" A voice asked. I turned around, and saw a head coming out of my computer like a portal. I made a salt ring, and threw salt at the Link look-a-like, but only he had red eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK" He yelled, and his hand burned. "You little shit..." He trailed off, stepping out of the laptop. He tried walking back the salt, but just bounced back with pain. "MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU" I yelled, and held up a cross that I had just in case Supernatural came true and there was stuff out there. "Well fuck. I guess Masky and Hoodie'll save us" BEN said to Jeff, while watching me put the cross up where he could see it. I grabbed my computer and cheese bowl, then began to scour the Internet for answers.

"BEN Drowned. Antichrist, drowned in a lake because of father, favorite franchise is Legends of Zelda. Saying is "You shouldn't have done that", and can travel through and control electronics. Doesn't like water." I said, and looked up. "Stalker" He said. "Internet has many uses, elf boy." I said and ate a cheese cube. "Let me out!" BEN yelled. "I have a bucket of water if you want me to go get it," I said. "No thank you!" He responded, and sighed. Soon after, my front door opened. In came a guy with a tan jacket, wild brown hair, and a feminine mask, and a guy with a blue hoodie, black mask, and I couldn't really see the details. "You must be Masky and Hoodie?" I questioned. "Be careful, she has a-" Jeff was cut off by me lunging forward and jolting Masky and Hoodie in the chest with the tazer. I handcuffed Hoodie, but then Masky woke up coughing. I took him hands and attached them to the railing with another pair of handcuffs, next to Hoodie. "What pills do you need?" I asked him, knowing kind of what was going on. "*insert masky's pills*" He said, and I nodded. I ran down to the basement on the second staircase, and went into the meds room. I tossed the pills to the man, and sat down. "Alright. Trophies. I'll take your jackets." I said, and reached out my hand. "Trophies?" Hoodie asked. "Yep! I beat you, so I get a trophy. I have BEN's hat, I'll have your jackets, and I also have Jeff's knife." I stated, and motioned for them to do so. They maneuvered so that they took off the jackets, reluctantly, might I add. "My knife!? Hell no! Give that back!" Jeff yelled as I flourished it between my fingers, and he struggled once again. "How's Liu doing, Jeffrey?" I asked, trying to get him to shut up. Jeff lowered his head, then raised it with a lesser fire in his eyes, but still a big one. "He's dead, so I don't know." Jeff said and continued to struggle. "Don't want to shut up? Fine. I got a nice little lemon full of lemon juice that I prepared just for your eyes." I said with more seriousness, and held up my juiciest lemon. "Fine..." Jeff sighed in defeat.

A window crashed, and I spun towards the hallway. "I-I'm here to s-save you all!" A voice yelled. "GOD DAMMIT TOBY YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE QUIET." They yelled at him. Ticci Toby walked in to the hallway, and I tazed him. It had no effect. "He doesn't feel pain idiot!" Jeff yelled at me, and I questioned why he was helping me. I shrugged it off, and ran into my room. I grabbed my tranquilizer gun, and held it up. "H-Ha! What g-good will th-that do?" Toby asked, and I shot him in the neck. I chuckled, and watched as he grew less composed. He was still conscious, so I shot him once more. He fainted, and I dragged him to the the staircase. He was handcuffed in front of Jeff. I thought about what to take as my trophy, and because he took two of my tranqs, I took his mask and hatchets. "S-Sorry p-p-p-poor st-st-stuttering P-Professer Quirrel" I said, comparing him to the Harry Potter character. I set the mask on the bed next to Masky and Hoodie's jacket and hoodie, but kept the hatchets in my hands. I searched up Masky, Toby, and Hoodie. "Slenderman's proxies, I see. So what has all of you wantin' me dead?" I asked, eating a cheese cube. "Slenderman's orders sweetie, we have to follow them." Jeff spat, and looked out the window. "Y'all don't move." I say, and walk outside and into the neighboring forest. "If I wanted to watch a stupid meteor shower, don't you think I could've climbed the trees?" I asked nobody, thinking of Mr. Peterson. I saw a page, taped to a tree. Take it child... A voice in my head said. I took the paper, then watched as the pastas from before run into the woods. I begin to ran, and pass another paper. I snatch it up and continue on. "Hey girl!" A voice I didn't recognize said. I slid to a stop, and looked to the side. There, a man with a camera was recording this. "I'm Jay. What's so terrifying?" He asked. "Killers... Jeff, Mask, Hood, Elf, and Tick!" I say, and began running again. Jay perked up at "Mask, Hood," And crouched down. I saw yet another page, and continued running after grabbing it. "You shouldn't have done that Kaia." BEN said, standing in front of me. I pinched some salt, and threw it at him. He held his face while I continued to run. "Go to sleep..." I here, then turn around. "Idjit. You have no weapon." I say, and bring out the knife. I throw it with much force, and pin his hands to the tree with his sleeves. I collected another page, and eventually had eight in total. The one named Hoodie attacked me by tackling me, while Masky came up with a bat. I took the tazer and tazed Hoods, leaving Masky. I tazed him as well, and put a couple pills in his pocket after putting the jacket and hoodie on them, since it would be needed soon. Next came Toby, who had his mask now. I pulled out the hatchets from my belt loops, and wielded them skillfully. "You h-handle weapons quite well," Toby said. "I have experience with certain things. I got my skills after my parents died." I said, and lunged forward, swinging the hatchet. Toby was hit in the shoulder, and I tranqed him again. "Now what?" I ask nobody. Put the pages on the Mansion door. My instincts told me. I ran around, and discovered the mansion. I slammed the pages on the door, and stood there. I waited. And waited. Eventually, I picked the lock and walked inside. There, a tall,
slender, faceless man stood in front of me, with tentacles swirling behind him.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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