8. When he gets jealous

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You were happily talking with one of your male co-workers, who would always flirt with you and you'd return the favor.

This one time he made you laugh and you placed a hand on his bicep as you tried to catch your breath. Turning your head to the side you saw Clark standing there... And he looked upset. You didn't know how to react to the constant staring by Clark so you turned back to co-worker. You talked with each other when he then placed an arm around your shoulder pulling you close and whispering in your ear.

You stifled a laugh at his comment and you playfully pushed him away.

"You such a funny guy." You laughed. But before he could crack another joke you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You turned towards the one who held you in his arms.

"C-Clark?" You stuttered as you looked at him shockingly. Yet he ignored you, turning towards the male co-worker.

"If you'll excuse me I'll be taking [First name] with me." Clark said, pulling you away without another word. You turned back to the co-worker with an apologetic look before you were taken to another room. You then slipped away from Clark's arms, obviously upset with him.

"What was that for, Clark? Why'd you have to go and barge in." You said crossing your arms angrily.

"I-I'm sorry [First name]. I didn't know what overcame me. I just didn't want you around that guy." He mumbled.

A smile then played your lips as you leaned forwards. "Awwww, is lil' Clark jealous?" You teased.

"Of course not! Don't think such a thing." He said, turning away. You could've sworn he was blushing.

"Clark you're such a cutie." You said, pulling him into a tight hug. "Don't worry, I forgive you." You said into his chest.

"Good. I couldn't handle it if you were mad at me." Clark said.

You and Peter decided to go on a walk today, peering into small shops and pointing out things you would want to buy but never did.

Peter was goofy as usual and you would constantly laugh at his jokes. You heard your name was being called as you turned around. You were shocked as you realized it was an old schoolmate of yours. You walked over to him and you happily hugged him. You squealed as he lifted you into the air and twirled you around.

You had conversation with your old school friend, asking what he was doing now and how life has been. You really clicked and you almost forgot Peter was there until he coughed loudly behind you.

You turned your head as far your smile faltered a bit, "Oh, sorry Petey. Didn't mean to shut you out right there. I was just catching up." You said.

"It's fine. It's fine. I can understand why you would choose to socialize with your old friends." He said, his lips forming into a straight line.

He sounded irritated.

After you chatted up with your friend you said your goodbyes and you began to walk with Peter again.

"Peter.." You said.


"You looked upset earlier. What happened?" You asked.

"Nothing at all. I just didn't enjoy you talking with another guy."

"Peter, I'm not your girlfriend. You don't need to be so protective."

"I know, I just feel like I have to make sure you're safe."

"Heh, was someone jealous?" You teased.

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