El Tigre: Django of the Dead x La Coyote

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It had been an eventful night in Miracle City. Django had taken part in a long battle with El Tigre. And the thief, La Coyote, had interfered to ensure that Django wouldn't lose. Of course, Django wasn't supposed to need help to defeat the menace that was the tiger. And the whole way back to Nana Sartana, Django was trying to convince La Coyote, known as Luciana when out of costume, to not tell his Nana about the battle. But Luciana was being clever and making fun of the skeleton for needing help from her and trying to get something out of not spilling the beans and giving every detail of the fight to Sartana.

"Ugh! If I promise to do you a favor, are you going to stop bothering me and not say anything to my nana?" Django asked as he walk beside the young woman dressed as a Coyote. His frustration was evident in his voice. La Coyote walked with her hands behind her head and a smirk evident on her masked face. Her golden eyes cast a glance at the skeleton boy beside her and she gave chuckle.

"It can be so," she said as she looked off to the side, away from Django, in a futile attempt to hide her smirk. "Depends on the favor." Django could pretty much feel said smirk when she spoke, and it only added to his frustration.

"Fine! How do you want me to repay you for helping me run off El Tigre?" Django asked as he stopped walking. He put his skeletal hand on Luciana's shoulder, forcing her to stop in her tracks as well and turn to face him, the smirk ever present on her lips. And Django couldn't help but risk a glance at those lips that taunted him before glaring back into her eyes.

"Well, if you are willing to oblige," she started as her hands dropped from behind her head, one going to her hip and the other rested one of her clawed fingers  just under her lips, presenting a pondering expression on her tan face. "I want something simple," she continued, her eyes darkening, trickery playing behind those golden eyes of hers.

A shiver went down Django's spine at the look the coyote girl was giving him. He knew she had something planned. And he was willing to bet that she had all this planned out  before she had even helped him with El Tigre. "Like what?" he almost hesitated to ask.

"Oh nothing big," she stated, chuckling at the obvious unease that Django possessed. She took a step closer to him, placing her hand on his chest/rib cage, while her other hand continued to rest on her hip. Django stood stiff as a board, confusion slowly invading his expression. "Just this," Luciana finished as she put her other hand on his chest, stood on her toes, closed her eyes and puckered her lips. And Django stood there, completely confused now.

He started down at the wild dog girl that was leaning up to him, his confusion evident on his face. Seconds ticked by and Luciana was losing her patience. Her brows furrowed in obvious discontent, eyes still closed. Eventually the young woman sighed and open one of her eyes, glaring at the skeleton.

"You can't seriously be that slow, Django," she said stood flat on her feet, both her eyes now open as she openly glared at him. Luciana's eyes rolled eyes in her head when she saw the confusion on his face. Surely he could see what she wanted from him...couldn't he?

"But, you haven't told me what you want," Django stated as he continued to simply stare down at the young woman in front of him, uncertain of what she was asking from him. What ever it was, she wasn't exactly happy that he wasn't understanding. "You humans are so complicated" he added rolling his own ruby eyes.

"Hey!" the Coyote girl exclaimed, a smile playing back onto her face. "I'm only half human now," she said as she put her hands on her hips. "Remember? I sold my soul to your nana, so i'm only half  human," she finished with a smirk. 

Django only sighed. She was right, Luciana was power hungry, and would do anything to get what she wanted. And Sartana knew how to appeal to that kind of nature. An eye for an eye. In exchange for Luciana's services and soul, Sartana would grant her the Immortality of the Un-dead and give her the new identity of La Coyote

"Can't you just tell me what you want? Nana Sartana is going to start worrying about us," Django said he crossed his boney arms over his equally boney chest, looking off to the side, getting irritated at the mangy dog in front of him.

The sly grin returned to Luciana's face, one thin eyebrow lifted upward as she stared up at the skeleton. "What's the point of telling you, when I can show you," she said, her voice slow and hypnotizing. Django looked a her from the corner of his eye, head still turned away. Her tone made his shiver again. Curse this dog!

Suddenly, Luciana's hands shot out and gripped onto the neckline of Django's poncho, swiftly dragging him down to her height. The sudden jerk downward made Django uncross his arms and instinctively grip onto something to keep from face-planting onto the ground. That 'thing' just happened to be Luciana's waist. Django was wide eyed as he stared into the gold eyes of Luciana, the smirk ever present on her face.

"Don't worry, Django. I'll help you understand," she said. Then she did something unexpected by the young skeleton. She yanked him by the poncho, pulling him forward so that his 'lips' landed squarely on hers.

Django.exe has stopped working... 

When La Coyote finally pulled back from the kiss, and released Django's poncho from her claws, the skeleton was in such a state of shock he couldn't move from the position he had held during the kiss.

Coyote licked her lips as she smiled. "Your lips are so cold," she said, mostly to herself. "Well, now you know how to repay me the next time I save your bones and you want me to stay quiet," she said as she glided around Django and continued walking. 

And when Django had at last come back to his senses, he glared at the spot that La Coyote had previously occupied. Then quickly spun around so that he could watch her walk away.

"YOU-" Django started to yell, but he was cut off by Luciana looking over her shoulder and saying, "Come on Django, Nana Sartana is going to be worried remember?" La Coyote said then took off into a run, Django fighting to keep up with her.


This was based off a comic that a found (I will post it below). It's in Spanish, but luckily the artist (DarkMirime) had posted a translation! Hope you all enjoyed. I do take requests!

 I do take requests!

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