Chapter 1

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The club is dark with low lighting around the edge

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The club is dark with low lighting around the edge. The stage in the center is the most brightly lit thing in the room. Chairs are arranged in a semi-circle in front of the stage. A bar runs along one wall. Tables with three or four chairs occupy the rest of the space.

The bar is framed by two hallways. The one on the right leads to the bathrooms and the employee on areas. The one on left lead to the private and peepshow rooms. That's where Dan is heading.

The base is thumping loud. Dan's Converses pad silently across the floor. As he weaves through the tables, a few strippers try to catch his eye. He quickly adverts his gaze. He a man on a mission.

His friends are the ones who told him about the club. Dan was a bit hesitant at first, but his nerves quickly went away once he saw the first dancer. Since then, Dan's returned every Thursday night like clockwork.

There's a particular dancer he always comes to see. Ricky Blitz has swooped in and bewitched Dan. The twink is just a few years younger and a few inches shorter than Dan. He's guessing on both accounts because he's never been face to face with Ricky except for once. Dan's really only seen Ricky behind the glass in the peepshow rooms.

Ricky is skinny with a petite waist and wide hips. His skin is pale and hairless. He has black hair that's styled similar to Dan's; except Ricky's sweeps right while Dan's sweeps left.

Dan is stopped by the bouncer at the end of the hallway. There's another bouncer at the other end of the hall to ensure the safety of the performers.

"Booth or room?" the bouncer asks.

"Booth," Dan answers flatly. He's use to the routine by now.

"Specific or general?" the bouncer asks his next question.

"Specific," Dan answer. By choosing specific, Dan can request a show from Ricky Blitz. If he were to choose general, he would get whoever's available.


"Ricky Blitz." The bouncer looks over the tablet in his hands. Dan hands him his card. The man swipes it before handing it back.

"Room six. Third door on your left." Dan nods at the man and makes his way to the room. There are six peep show rooms in the front and six private rooms in the back.

Dan steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. Its coloring is similar the main area. Low lighting frames the edges. To the left, there is the brightly lit stage behind glass. To the right is a u shaped sectional.

Dan settles onto the sectional. He only has to wait a few minutes until the stage lights up. A slow, bass heavy song pours out of the speakers in the corners of the room.

Ricky tentatively makes his way to the center of the stage. He has an air of innocence about him. That's what drew Dan to him in the first place. He was the first dancer Dan saw all those months ago. He's been hooked ever since.

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