=+=Chapter 1=+=

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    AN: This story takes place BEFORE the Fantasia arc, so the guildhall has just been rebuilt from Phantom Lord and Laxus has NOT been expelled yet.
    It was a normal day in the Fairy Tail Guildhall. Loud conversation, lots of drinking, fighting and the occasional table or chair flying through the air. Watching all of this happen was a blonde girl sitting quietly at a table in the corner. Her golden blonde hair cascaded in ringlets down her shoulders, her silver eyes shining like crystals as she intently watch a fight break out between her guildmates. She was completely content to sit and watch as her family laughed and had fun, that was until the doors to the hall were slammed open and a fight that normally couldn't be stopped completely froze. The blonde girl jumped and accidentally activated her magic causing her to disappear in shock.

    Standing in the doorway was a short figure wearing a navy blue cloak. The cloak went all the way to the ground and the hood was up so they couldn't see any part of the mysterious person's body. The figure reached a pale hand up and removed their hood, revealing a young girl around the age of sixteen or seventeen. She had mint green hair that had been braided and tucked into her cloak, her eyes were a lilac colour that betrayed no emotion as she looked around the guild. Her face had sharp features and a completely calm expression as she spoke to the crowd of people staring at her, frozen in comical poses from when they stopped in the middle of their fight.

    "I'm wish to speak with your guild master, is he here?" the girl spoke in a calm, even voice and had a thick accent (AN: british accent for the record)

    "No," squeaked a quiet voice from the centre of the guild, there was no face to put the voice too, as if the speaker was invisible. "He's at a guild master conference right now."

    "Oh, alright." the girl responded not even bothering to comment on the fact that the voice seemed to lack a speaker. "Is there anyone in charge while he's gone?"

    The blonde girl from earlier reappeared in the centre of the room and tapped her chin in thought. "I think Laxus is in charge right now actually."

    "Oh, wonderful. Would I be able to talk to him then?"

    "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I guess I can bring you up there."

    "That would be wonderful, thank you." The girl then looked around the guild and muttered to herself, "At least if this doesn't work out I can come talk to their master later and go start looking for those two."

    "Alright, come on." the blonde muttered and turned to walk up the stairs, this wasn't unusual though, considering the girl was S-class.

    The mint-haired girl followed behind her with a calm, yet quick stride. "My name is Minth by the way."

    The blonde girl's pace was a little slower and obviously unconfident, she turned to the short girl walking next to her, "My names Crystal," she said quietly as she wringed her hands together, "so... I heard you're looking for someone?"

    "Yeah, I am actually. Two people I used to train with, I had left for a few days and when  I came back they were gone. Since all three of us are wizards I hoped they came down here to join guilds like our master was always telling us too, That's not why I'm here now though."

    "Oh..." the rest of the walk down the hallway was silent until they reached a large oak door, "Well here we are."

    Minth turned and gave Crystal a small smile, "Thanks for all your help." She then turned and entered the office, the sun was shining brightly through the window leaving a silhouette of a large blonde man sitting in a chair behind a large desk. Straightening up and lifting her head slightly Minth addressed the man, "So, I assume your Laxus."

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