=+=Chapter 5=+=

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    "Dude, I think that's enough."

    "If you try to touch my coffee I will stab you."

    Crimson recoiled and almost fell out of his chair. He was learning a lot about the small wizard sitting across from him yet he still hadn't heard a single thing to make her seem anything other then terrifying. The two were sitting in a small cafe in the next town over from Magnolia. After Crimson woke up that morning they left the city quickly before her guild could try to stop them. Currently Crimson was trying to convince Minth to give up her coffee so they could get going.

"You've already drank five cups! I really don't think you need anymore coffee Minth."

"Don't tell me what to do Crimson."

"Fine, but if we're staying here at least answer some questions."

Minth raised an eyebrow in question as she took another sip of her coffee, "Alright, shoot."

"What's with the cloak?"

Minth spluttered and started coughing, "That," she wheezed "is a question you don't need an answer too."

Crimson looked at her strangely, "Fine. Just grab another coffee to go then and lets get out of here." Minth nodded and walked up to the counter ordering her seventh cup of coffee, this time to go, before following the red exit sign to the door. They walked down the road in companionable silence, Minth nursing her coffee and Crimson messing with the straps on his cloak, both wizards lost in thought.


Crimson's POV:

I couldn't figure her out, Minth seemed like calm cool, slightly emotionless person, but every once in a while she would start acting really weird. Like back at the cafe, who knows what that was about. Also, how in the world could a girl that small drink that much coffee? It was ridiculous. Well, I guess she knows as much about me as I do about her.

We had been walking through the forest in between the small village I couldn't remember the name of and Lamia Scale. Since we spent so much time in that Cafe we were going to have to camp out in the forest  and then head to the guild in the morning. As we continued on the path through the forest the lacrima in Minth's bag went off and she signalled me to wait while she answered it.

Minth's POV:

I sighed when I saw the person on the other side of the line,

"What the hell do you want Laxus?"

Laxus raised an eyebrow at me, "You know you could at least act happy to see me." I scoffed "Well, anyway I overheard your plan to go looking for the blonde on your own and figured I might be of some assistance."

"Well, do please tell, why in the world would you want to help me?"

"You're going against Gramp's orders. Everyone in this guild listens to everything he says so it's fairly respectable, in my opinion, to see someone go against the old geezer's orders." He smirked, "Besides, it won't take long before he realizes you're gone. If you want to do this you'll need my help."

I thought over everything Laxus told me, after making a decision I nodded, "Aright then Sparky, " he growled, "what's the plan?"

"I can send you updates from here and my team is currently travelling so I can tell you any leads they find."

"What's in this for you?"I asked suspiciously,"Why are you being so nice to me."

Laxus looked away for a second after seemingly contemplated he turned back to me, "What I am about to tell you cannot be repeated, do you understand?"

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