Chapter 13

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Coq Au Vin looked delectable, Pixie had definitely lived up to the challenge of slow cooking. The plating was perfect, and Dia knew from the raving praises coming from the soon-to-be bride her self. Genevieve Leroy had haughtily announced, "I will personally test every dish that you would want to prepare for Saturday." Monsieur Leroy and Dia had tried to convince her otherwise, but she was not really up for any negotiation. Her presence had been stifling, as the staff wasn't accustomed to such intrusive scrutiny, but nevertheless, even a grumpy Jhonny had managed to impress her with his dry humor. 

"Cordon Bleu magnifique", Genevieve chirped humourously, Dia smiled and said, "I glad you  liked what I prepared."

"Oh no no I loved it. Most delicious. That's why I wanted to have it first, I know the guests will finish this food, after I finish greeting them.", she winked at a surprised Dia.

"You could have just told us", groaned Will, "We could have saved up the extra special."

"Ah. There you are wrong Chef Will, I am a dragon when it comes to perfection, and this is just perfect."

"Well you know princess, we managed to get the perfection, now why don't you go to the hotel and rest you  have to stand for a long time ?", Antoine Leroy interrupted their conversation, DIa had to give props to the man, as he tried to help the staff in a very subtle manner.

"Of course Papa. I'm glad we have the best. Are you sure they are not French? I want them to do my wedding as well", Genevieve trailed off  as she left the restaurant , and Monsieur Leroy, just gave Dia a rather secretive "Thumbs up", and left after her, while the rest of the staff collapsed.

"I am going to die if we do this dinner", Jhonny muttered, as the kitchen laughed heartily.

By the time guests started arriving at Rizzo, the place was transformed magically, in fact the decorators out did them selves, Dia could not recognize the place, once she stepped out of the Kitchen, for small break. The candle lights made it romantic, and then the flowers and dainty fairy lights, in that crazy moment, she imagined Adam proposing her. Then she laughed at the silly thought, Adam probably proposed to Karen, and with a heavy heart she drowned herself in work.

Elizabeth Anderson, gloated, this was the perfect opportunity to revel in the misery of Elena Carson.  Elena Carson had humiliated her on many occasions, but this was classic, and she was quite sure, once she saw Elena's stiff posture.

"Elena lovely to see you dear. I must say this place looks better, props to you for the much improved decor.", Elizabeth, chirped.

Elena masked her annoyance with her most charming smile, "Trust me Elizabeth, this place was much better than Harper's any day." while sipping on the Lumiere and added " Although I admit, the decor suits better, but trust Dia to be a perfectionist". She smirked at the annoyance flitted across Elizabeth's face when she mentioned about Harper's , Elizabeth Anderson's debacle. 

"You might want to try French75 dear, you look a bit pale ", Elena said and went to congratulate Genevieve, while leaving behind a fuming Elizabeth Anderson.

"Steak diane, Cordon Bleu, Au Vin table 5 ", Taylor announced in the kitchen and then added, "Chef you might want to check on the drinks, they are flowing like a river."

Dia looked up and said, " Taylor ask Jhonny to tone it down, we can't have guests drunk before we serve dinner." and then she looked around the kitchen and said, "3 minutes for table 5 ?"

"Yes Chef.", Will and Pixie answered. While they were working in a good rhythm, they served tables at a brisk pace. Dia was pleased, with the back breaking work, at this point she felt, that their regular customers were easier, than the cliques of Upper East Manhattan.

"Chef Salad for table 15.", Jhonny reported angrily. Dia looked  concerned and said, " Is everything alright ?"

"I hate to say this Chef, but these people are trash, I have had to clean up floors when people accidentally tripped someone ", he emphasized it with bunny ears and then went on to say, "I swear Martha was smart enough to opt out."

Suddenly shattering of glasses could be heard, Dia was looked surprised and motioned Jhonny to salvage the situation. Soon enough a fuming Taylor arrived with his uniform with the worst spillage, and Jhonny looked he was about to laugh, but Dia narrowed his eyes and he didn't say anything. Taylor was muttering , that he had enough of buffoons , and he would just toss them out. Fortunately a older batch of glasses had shattered, and since they had already stocked up on additional cutlery last year, Dia felt the damage was contained. 

She looked sympathetically at the servers and said " Guys I am going out to serve table 15 with Salad Lyonnaise and Cordon Bleu for table 9. Have the desserts ready as this is the last entrée for the day." Both Taylor and Jhonny had protested vehemently, but Dia felt otherwise when she saw them rather tired. She had hoped that the dinner party would be a relaxed affair, but then which wedding was without any drama. 

She briskly walked towards aisle four, as the tables were conveniently located, she also had the prickling sensation, that the  lively chatter seemed to die as soon as she entered. She turned left and replied, " Cordon Bleu. Enjoy your meal ", she saw that the patron was familiar, Mr. Jones smile was heart-warming. As she was about to turn right to serve table 15, she tripped, in a desperate attempt she clutched on to plate tightly and closed her eyes, as the fall was inevitable, but then she did not hear the plate breaking and she looked up to see, Adam had encased her in his strong hold. She smiled gratefully at him, while the crowd at the restaurant hooted.

"Bravo! Adam, you saved the lady ", Antoine said happily  and then went on to say, "But then who wouldn't for such a beautiful lady ?". Dia blushed, Adam heartily laughed and replied, "Monsieur Leroy, I don't think Madame Leroy would appreciate it. My dear won't you serve the Salad to Stella".

"Don't bother Dia, I bet the salad is not that good either.", Stella replied haughtily.

"Well then you have no idea on what your missing ", Chris joined their conversation and took the plate from Dia and started munching, "Delicious." Stella visibly perked up at Chris's arrival and she snatched the plate from him  and said, "Of course, I was kidding, Dia."

Dia was startled at Stella's sudden change, but then she suspected that Chris's arrival might have to do something, as he was flirting with her. Chris turned around and said, "Well I might say you love the position brother." and snapped a picture.

Dia was mortified, Adam looked like a kid caught stealing a cookie from the jar, as Antoine Leroy's laughter boomed. Genevieve happily exclaimed, "Papa don't you think they make a cute couple ?"

Adam thought it was best to formally introduce his wife to Upper East Manhattan, so he held her hand gently and said, "Genevieve , Monsieur Leroy, meet my wife, Dia."

There was a collective gasp from the restaurant, and so Adam actually addressed the crowd, "Yes I am indeed married, and it was no rumor. Ladies and Gentleman, let us congratulate the new couple Genevieve and Philip." 

While the crowd clinked their glasses at Adam's toast, and continued their conversation. Adam engulfed Dia's hand , their was an unspoken agreement between them, that his eyes communicated to hers. He would be there for her, he would catch her every time she falls. Dia responded with a hug and Adam kissed her forehead and whispered, " I'll be here for you, no matter what."

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