Chapter 1

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As we left the church I waved goodbye to my father and headed off to my usual Sunday afternoon café. A slight breeze picked up, so I pulled my cardigan tightly around me and walked on. I looked up at the sky hoping it wouldn't rain I hate walking home in the...

"Oof," I slammed into a girl with light blonde hair. "Oi, what do you think you're doing," she reached for something around her neck and then her eyes widened.

"WHERE IS IT?!" she demanded grabbing the collar of my cardigan.

"Where is what?" I stare at her in confusion.

"The ring! My father's ring, you stole it!"

"I did no such thing," as I said that she punched me and I felt my nose crack. "OW!" I screamed.

"Where is it you bitch?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" I demanded.

She forced me to the ground and I felt something unfamiliar and cold press into my back. "The ring or I shoot you."

I looked around desperately then saw an object lying on the ground, "Over there it's over there you must have dropped it!"

She stood quickly and grabbed a chain connected to a ring. "Thank god," she murmured. I stood up and brushed off my dress scowling. "I'm sorry," she laughed.

I turned to her and nodded then felt something trickle down my nose. "Oh shit I'm sorry," she reached forward and twisted my nose fixing it. Then she handed me something to stop the blood flow.

"Thanks," I sighed.

"I hadn't meant to injure you," she sighed, "I'm Angel, Angel Black, I am sorry about before, you know with the threat this ring is the only thing I have left of my fathers."

I nodded understanding. "Nice to meet you Angel," She held out her hand and smiled.

I shook it then started fixing my dress. I looked her in the eyes, "Would you like something to eat?" she asked.

"Please," I smiled and she led me to a little restaurant. I pulled out my wallet.

"Do you have the means to?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Well, um not on me, it's at my home." She smiled.

"I'll pay, just pay me back."

"I promise," she smiled and turned to sit at a booth. I treated her to a lunch then paid.

"Follow me," she smiled after we left the building. I shrugged then to my surprise she took off running.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards an alleyway. I tried to pull my arm out of her grip with no luck. Sighing in defeat I followed her. She knocked on a brick wall that opened up revealing a secret room.

As she dragged me inside I stared around in wonder there were several people making me believe she must be a part of a gang. "Stephan! Jasper!" she called. Almost out of nowhere two men appeared.

The taller one peered down at me curiously, then smiled, he whispered something to the one with blue hair while looking at me.

"Hi," he finally said to me.

"Hi," I whispered.

I turned to find someplace to sit but he leaned against the wall using his arm to support him. My eyes widened as I looked at his arms. Holy hell his arms are big. I looked him in the eyes and felt my face going red.

I hid behind Angel and scowled in frustration.

"Are you blushing?" she whispered towards me.

"No," I mumbled.

"Ok." she walked away from me and kissed Jasper's cheek "Hello my midnight lover."

I looked between them and shook my head the guy needs a hair cut. Turning I searched for a place to sit but much to my dismay nothing looked clean.

"Hey, Angel. Where'd you find your little friend at?" Stephan asked.

"I bumped into her on the street," she laughed

"Literally," I mumbled.

"She looks delicious," Jasper laughed.

I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes, "Go away."

"He won't bite. Cause he knows I'll bite him and then no more clothes." Angel laughed.

My eye's widened slightly and I walked away from them.

How do I get out? I thought to myself. Maybe I can like poke the wall or something.After a few minutes I gave up but felt a presence behind me.

"Heyyyyyy Mikey." a random girl smiled at me.

"Mikey who is Mikey?"

"Sabrina has a ascent. She meant Monkey. She calls all newbies monkeys." Angel explained

"But I'm not even apart of this gang."

"Well I did taste your blood," Angel smiled liking her thumb.

These people are strange.

"Angel. Have you been taking your meds?" Stephan asked.


I looked around, "Um, I'm going to uh find someplace to sit down." I smile and walk away slowly.

"All there is is the floor Mickey." Sabrina laughed.

Sighing I turned and looked around. Stephan was still leaning on the wall. He looked so strong. Too intimidating. Dangit. How do I get out of here.

"Who wants to go to chinese. The loaner of Sang Mu owes me a favor," Sabrina smiled.

"Uh no, I just ate."

"Come on it'll be fun."

"I really should be getting home though."

"Girl. Your dad is at work and your mom is busy at church," Angel laughed, "It'll be fun."

Sighing in defeat I looked at them, "Fine, but if I don't get home by eight you are all dead." I started towards them and Angel turned and opened a door in the wall.

"So, chinese, hey guy's you coming?" she called out to the Jasper and Stephen.

Jasper walked up and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Stephen hadn't seemed to hear her. His eyes were locked on me smiling slightly.

"Why not," he said after a minute.

I followed Angel out and breathed in, fresh air. I wonder if i could make a dash for it?

Maybe, maybe not.I decided against it and actually enjoyed myself hanging out with them they were a bit crazy but oh well. I felt someone walk up behind me and a hand slipped into mine.

"Hello, I don't believe anyone has been kind enough to ask this little lovely lady her name, so allow me to be the first, I'm Stephan, what might your name be?"

I looked at his hand in mine then smiled slightly, "My name is Sage," I whispered and smiled.

"What a pretty name," he smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled slightly. I don't' know what made me so comfortable with him, but that entire month I was so comfortable sitting with him and laying in his arms falling asleep, but with anyone else I felt a bit on edge, ready to bolt at a second, I did like most of them, but just something about them made me feel uneasy. The way they reacted when I had a cut, or how when some of us went out to eat, a few of them wouldn't go, they'd just stay around saying they already ate.

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