Name:well dear shouldn't you know it (Taylor) Age:sweet child I have no age (looks 21) Species:I am a angel sent to look over you and protect you Likes:good choices,white,playing piano,singing, bright cheerful colors,peacefulness,and you Dislikes:bad choices,black,you being sad or hurt,and chaos Scenario 1: you wake up with a beautiful long blond hair lady sitting at the end of your bed hello Y/N it is so nice to finally meet do what Scenario 2: your friend was brutally murder by her dad 2 years ago you loved her but never told her she one day wakes up sitting on you bed you sit there looking at her Y/N it has been so long how are do you react
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Angel form (after death)
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.