13 Ways to Annoy Aqualad

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1. Ask him if he has ever met 'The Little Mermaid.'

It was one of those rare days, when everyone, including the villains, chose to take the day off. That meaning there was no training or any missions for the team. The team decided to spend the day at the Happy Harbor Mall, team bonding if you will.

The five teens walked into the Disney store, as per Megan's request/demand. The two females of the team and Conner walked off to explore the store further, and Robin did his ninja thing and disappeared, leaving only Kaldur and Wally. The two boys, not about to be discouraged, decided to do some exploring of their own. After seeing a flash of red, green, and purple, Wally decided to ask...

"Kal, there are mermaids in Atlantis right?"

"Yes, Wally. There are mermaids and mermen in Atlantis," Aqualad replied slightly perplexed at the strange question.

"So have you ever met Ariel before?" Wally asked holding up a doll with red hair, a purple seashell bra, and a green mermaid's tail.

Kaldur deciding not to verbally answer his friend's question merely shook his head 'no', and set off to find the rest of the Young Justice team.

2. Ask to play with his water bearers

The team was spending the day training, with each of the five members of the team doing their own thing. Kid Flash was running laps around the track without using his super speed. Artemis was shooting arrows at moving targets. Miss Martian and Superboy were sparring in the center of the room. Robin was swinging around the room on his retractable grappling Batarang. Lastly, Aqualad was practicing with his water bearers.

Taking a breather, the Atlantean did not notice the youngest member of the team walk over to where he was standing. He still did not notice him standing behind him until he asked...

"Hey, Kal, Can I try a few moves with your water bearers?"

3. If he says no, take them anyway

Aqualad, not expecting anyone to be behind him jumped in surprise. Turning around he was met with masked eyes. Getting over his shock, he thought over the previously asked question. He responded with a quick "no" and a "we really must be getting back to training."

Robin, deciding not to take 'no' for an answer, took action. As soon as Kaldur turned his back, the Boy Wonder got a running start before jumping up and flipping over the unsuspecting Atlantean, while managing to grab hold of his water bearers in the process. Once both feet were on the ground the younger teen sprinted out of the training room, water bearers in hand.

4. When no water blades come out say, "I must not be using the force."

Coming to a halt in front of the zeta tubes, Robin carefully inspected the Atlantean's weapons of choice. They were like swords with no blades leaving only the hilts. Robin's head snapped up upon hearing the approaching footsteps of his friend. Thinking it would be a good idea to try out the weapons before they were taken away.

Robin knew how to use a sword, among many other weapons, thanks to his training with Batman. It was then that Robin realized he had to be Atlantean to summon the water blades. At the exact moment Robin came to this conclusion, Kaldur had caught up with him.

"I must not be using the force," stated the Boy Wonder. Kaldur could only stare with an eyebrow raised in confusion. Then the younger held up the bearers as if he were presenting them while slightly bowing and saying "May the force be with you, Kaldur'ahm." Once Kaldur took the his weapons out of Robin's hands, the latter sidestepped the former and ran back to the training room with his familiar, yet creepy cackle echoing off the walls of Mt. Justice, leaving Aqualad confused and slightly annoyed at the younger's antics.

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